2014-02-10 156 views

我需要自動化在PHP上創建的網站,因爲我的主管建議我使用PHP作爲編程語言的webdriver。 我正在使用Mac Os X 10.6.8.我安裝了mamp得到php,然後試圖安裝Pear and phpunit。 我成功安裝使用梨終端幾條命令,現在我可以看到在php5.5.3梨,peardev和phar.phar文件 - >斌Selenium網絡驅動程序,phpunit和Netbeans

然後我莫名其妙地安裝了PHPUnit的,現在我可以在php5.5.3 -> bin 看到phpunit.phar請告訴我如果上面提到的東西足以讓phpunit工作? 也請幫我安裝PHP的webdriver和所有必需的庫。 我是自動化新手。一步一步的信息將非常可觀。

感謝, Ashalina



Installation 試試這個網站,他在每一個步驟如何安裝你需要的一切解釋了一切。





Download PEAR 
Extract the archive using WinRAR 
Create a 「PEAR」 directory in C:\PHP 
Copy the contents of the PEAR-x.x.x directory to the PEAR directory you just created 
Download Console Getopt, Archive Tar, and Structures Graph 
Create the directory c:\PHP\PEAR\Console. Unzip and copy 「Getopt.php」 from the Console Getopt zip file into it. 
Create the directory c:\PHP\PEAR\Archive. Unzip and copy 「Tar.php」 from the ArchiveTar zip file into it. 
Create the directory c:\PHP\PEAR\Structures. Unzip and copy 「Graph.php」 and the contents of the 「Graph」 directory from the Structures Graph zip file into it. 
Edit your php.ini and add your php PEAR directory to your include_path 
Edit your system environment variables as follows: 
    PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR = C:\PHP\PEAR\scripts\ 
    PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN = C:\PHP\php.exe 
Add C:\PHP\PEAR\scripts to your 「Path」 environment variable 
Run a command prompt as Administrator 
cd to C:\PHP\PEAR\scripts 
Create a pear.ini file in c:\Windows. Alter the permissions so that any user can write to and modify it. 
Run the following commands: 
    pear config-set auto_discover 1 
    pear config-set bin_dir c:\PHP\PEAR\scripts 


Copy php_curl.dll from the php 「ext」 directory to the Windows System32 directory 
Edit php.ini and uncomment the line that references the cURL extension. 


You need to install specific versions of PHPUnit components if you are running Zend Framework 1.x (see: http://dustyreagan.com/downgrade-phpunit-3-6-to-3-5-15/). From the administrative command prompt you opened earlier, run the commands: 
    pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de 
    pear install --alldeps --force phpunit/PHPUnit 
    pear install phpunit/DbUnit 
    pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium 
    pear install phpunit/PHPUnit_Story 

安裝Java JRE

Download JRE 
Install it as normal 


Download Selenium Server 
Create a directory called 「Selenium」 in C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin 
Copy the file you downloaded in step 1 into this directory. It should be called 「selenium-server-standalone-x.xx.x.jar」 
Create a new MS batch file called Selenium.bat on your desktop. Inside, type the command 
    java -jar "c:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\Selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar」 (note: Include the quotation marks and substitute the version number for the version you downloaded) 


I like the Facebook one: https://github.com/facebook/php-webdriver 


Execute the bat file you created for Selenium above. This will lauch the selenium service that will listen for incoming commands from your test scripts. 

您現在就可以編寫使用PHP庫的webdriver PHPUnit測試。該庫將通過運行批處理文件時打開的端口(4444)與Selenium通信。
