2016-12-05 104 views

所以我的證書我打開VAS安裝過期。 因此,嘗試運行掃描時出現以下錯誤。打開VAS - 服務暫時關閉(證書過期)

操作:啓動任務 狀態代碼:503 狀態信息:服務暫時關閉


[email protected]:~$ sudo /usr/sbin/openvas-mkcert -q -f 
[sudo] password for me: 

[email protected]:~$ sudo /usr/bin/openvas-mkcert-client -n -i 
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus 
e is 65537 (0x10001) 
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated 
into your certificate request. 
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. 
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank 
For some fields there will be a default value, 
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. 
Country Name (2 letter code) [DE]:State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Locality Name (eg, city) []:Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:Email Address []:Using configuration from /tmp/openvas-mkcert-client.28853/stdC.cnf 
Check that the request matches the signature 
Signature ok 
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows 
countryName   :PRINTABLE:'DE' 
localityName   :ASN.1 12:'Berlin' 
commonName   :ASN.1 12:'om' 
Certificate is to be certified until Dec 5 12:38:09 2017 GMT (365 days) 

Write out database with 1 new entries 
Data Base Updated 
[email protected]:~$ 




LIB SERV:警告:2016年12月5日12h41.23 UTC:1533:無法握手同行:TLS連接被非正常終止。 事件任務:消息:2016年12月5日12h41.23 UTC:1533:target.me的任務掃描(3aca3163-3de2-4519-92af-f649f6bedd7c)不能由管理員啓動


openvas-check-setup 2.3.7 
    Test completeness and readiness of OpenVAS-8 
    (add '--v6' or '--v7' or '--v9' 
    if you want to check for another OpenVAS version) 

    Please report us any non-detected problems and 
    help us to improve this check routine: 

    Send us the log-file (/tmp/openvas-check-setup.log) to help analyze the problem. 

    Use the parameter --server to skip checks for client tools 
    like GSD and OpenVAS-CLI. 

Step 1: Checking OpenVAS Scanner ... 
     OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version 5.0.7. 
     OK: OpenVAS Scanner CA Certificate is present as /var/lib/openvas/CA/cacert.pem. 
     OK: redis-server is present in version v=3.0.6. 
     OK: scanner (kb_location setting) is configured properly using the redis-server socket: /var/run/redis/redis.sock 
     OK: redis-server is running and listening on socket: /var/run/redis/redis.sock. 
     OK: redis-server configuration is OK and redis-server is running. 
     OK: NVT collection in /var/lib/openvas/plugins contains 50525 NVTs. 
     WARNING: Signature checking of NVTs is not enabled in OpenVAS Scanner. 
     SUGGEST: Enable signature checking (see http://www.openvas.org/trusted-nvts.html). 
     OK: The NVT cache in /var/cache/openvas contains 50548 files for 50525 NVTs. 
Step 2: Checking OpenVAS Manager ... 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager is present in version 6.0.9. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager client certificate is present as /var/lib/openvas/CA/clientcert.pem. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager database found in /var/lib/openvas/mgr/tasks.db. 
     OK: Access rights for the OpenVAS Manager database are correct. 
     OK: sqlite3 found, extended checks of the OpenVAS Manager installation enabled. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager database is at revision 146. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager expects database at revision 146. 
     OK: Database schema is up to date. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager database contains information about 49328 NVTs. 
     OK: At least one user exists. 
     OK: OpenVAS SCAP database found in /var/lib/openvas/scap-data/scap.db. 
     OK: OpenVAS CERT database found in /var/lib/openvas/cert-data/cert.db. 
     OK: xsltproc found. 
Step 3: Checking user configuration ... 
     WARNING: Your password policy is empty. 
     SUGGEST: Edit the /etc/openvas/pwpolicy.conf file to set a password policy. 
Step 4: Checking Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) ... 
     OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is present in version 6.0.11. 
Step 5: Checking OpenVAS CLI ... 
     OK: OpenVAS CLI version 1.4.4. 
Step 6: Checking Greenbone Security Desktop (GSD) ... 
     SKIP: Skipping check for Greenbone Security Desktop. 
Step 7: Checking if OpenVAS services are up and running ... 
     OK: netstat found, extended checks of the OpenVAS services enabled. 
     OK: OpenVAS Scanner is running and listening on all interfaces. 
     OK: OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port 9391, which is the default port. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager is running and listening on all interfaces. 
     OK: OpenVAS Manager is listening on port 9390, which is the default port. 
     OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is running and listening on all interfaces. 
     OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on port 443, which is the default port. 
Step 8: Checking nmap installation ... 
     WARNING: Your version of nmap is not fully supported: 7.01 
     SUGGEST: You should install nmap 5.51 if you plan to use the nmap NSE NVTs. 
Step 10: Checking presence of optional tools ... 
     OK: pdflatex found. 
     WARNING: PDF generation failed, most likely due to missing LaTeX packages. The PDF report format will not work. 
     SUGGEST: Install required LaTeX packages. 
     OK: ssh-keygen found, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets is likely to work. 
     OK: rpm found, LSC credential package generation for RPM based targets is likely to work. 
     OK: alien found, LSC credential package generation for DEB based targets is likely to work. 
     OK: nsis found, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets is likely to work. 

It seems like your OpenVAS-8 installation is OK. 

If you think it is not OK, please report your observation 
and help us to improve this check routine: 
Please attach the log-file (/tmp/openvas-check-setup.log) to help us analyze the problem. 





警告:2017-05-16 19h04.51 UTC:3687 :失敗gnutls_bye: 錯誤推送功能。警告:2017年5月16日19h04.52 UTC:3686: openvas_server_verify:該證書不被信任 警告:2017年5月16日19h04.52 UTC:3686:openvas_server_verify:在 證書已過期



所以我導航有點接近的證書文件位置(CD的/ var/lib中/ openvas /),並運行以下命令:

openvasmd --modify-scanner <UUID> --scanner-ca-pub CA/cacert.pem --scanner-key-pub CA/clientcert.pem --scanner-key-priv private/CA/clientkey.pem 


openvasmd --get-scanners 


openvasmd --verify-scanner <UUID> 










它幫助我!謝謝。 –