2012-03-01 24 views


public void fill(int x, int y, char c) { 
    char tempColor = this.bitmap[y - 1][x - 1]; 
    Point currentPoint; 

    Stack<Point> fillStack = new Stack<Point>(); 

    fillStack.push(new Point(x, y)); 

    do { 
     currentPoint = fillStack.pop(); 
//  System.out.println(currentPoint.x + " " + currentPoint.y); 
//  System.out.println("Current state of the stack:"); 
//  for (Point p: fillStack) 
//   System.out.println(p.x + " " + p.y); 
     this.bitmap[currentPoint.y - 1][currentPoint.x - 1] = c; 
     if (currentPoint.y - 1 > 0 && this.bitmap[currentPoint.y - 2][currentPoint.x - 1] == tempColor) { 
      fillStack.push(new Point(x, y - 1)); 
//   System.out.println("Pushing " + currentPoint.x + " " + (currentPoint.y - 1)); 
     if (currentPoint.y - 1 < n - 1 && this.bitmap[currentPoint.y][currentPoint.x - 1] == tempColor) { 
      fillStack.push(new Point(x, y + 1)); 
//   System.out.println("Pushing " + currentPoint.x + " " + (currentPoint.y + 1)); 
     if (currentPoint.x - 1 > 0 && this.bitmap[currentPoint.y - 1][currentPoint.x - 2] == tempColor) { 
      fillStack.push(new Point(x - 1, y)); 
//   System.out.println("Pushing " + (currentPoint.x - 1) + " " + currentPoint.y); 
     if (currentPoint.x - 1 < m - 1 && this.bitmap[currentPoint.y - 1][currentPoint.x] == tempColor) { 
      fillStack.push(new Point(x + 1, y));  
//   System.out.println("Pushing " + (currentPoint.x + 1) + " " + currentPoint.y); 
     } while (!fillStack.isEmpty()); 


3 3 
Current state of the stack: 
Pushing 3 2 
Pushing 3 4 
Pushing 4 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
Pushing 4 2 
Pushing 4 4 
Pushing 5 3 
4 3 
Current state of the stack: 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 
3 2 
3 4 




您的打印語句說一件事,您的代碼做了另一件事! ;)


fillStack.push(new Point(x, y - 1)); 
System.out.println("Pushing " + currentPoint.x + " " + (currentPoint.y - 1)); 



哦,我,我不敢相信,我一直在尋找這個東西了一個小時,couldn看不到這個。謝謝:D – hattenn 2012-03-01 11:23:42


@hatten - 哈哈,有時你需要的是另一雙眼睛...... – Nim 2012-03-01 11:24:38