MyNamespace.Person = function Person(params) {
// private variables and functions, individual for each Person instance
var anything, id;
function execute_something() {}
// public properties:
this.name = "";
this.getId = function getId(){
// called a "privileged function", because it has access to private variables
MyNamespace.American = function(params) {
MyNamespace.Person.call(this, params); // inherit name and getId()
(function() { // new scope for
// hidden utility functions and other private things
function foo() { }
function helpJSON() { }
function fromJSON() { }
var bar;
(function(personProto) { // new scope for prototype module (not explicitly needed)
// "private" /static/ variables (and functions, if you want them private)
var personCount = 0;
personProto.clone = function clone() {
return this.constructor(myself); // or something
personProto.toJSON = function toJSON() {
// use of helpJSON()
personProto.fromJSON = fromJSON; // direct use
(function(amiProto) {
// just the same as above, if needed
amiProto.special = function() {
// use foo() and co
})(MyNamespace.American.prototype = Object.create(MyNamespace.Person.prototype));
new MyNamespace.American() instanceof MyNamespace.Person; // true
(function() {
// hidden utility functions and other private things
var bar;
var personCount;
function foo() { }
function helpJSON() { }
function fromJSON() { }
function clone() {
return this.constructor(myself); // or something
function toJSON() { }
(function(personProto) { // new scope, not really needed
// private variables are useless in here
personProto.clone = clone;
personProto.toJSON = toJSON;
personProto.fromJSON = fromJSON;
(function(amiProto) { // new scope, not really needed
// copied from personProto
amiProto.clone = clone;
amiProto.toJSON = toJSON;
amiProto.fromJSON = fromJSON;
// and now the differences
amiProto.special = function() {
// use foo() and co
如果你想了解關於繼承和原型的更多信息,請點擊這裏:http://killdream.github.com/blog/2011/10/understanding-javascript-oop/index.html我認爲你可以去點3繼承開始。 – 2012-02-23 06:21:12
不幸的是,該鏈接現在提供了404錯誤。 – 2015-02-12 11:57:19
@Programmer_D:它已移至http://robotlolita.me/2011/10/09/understanding-javascript-oop.html。當然你也可以[查看舊版本](http://web.archive.org/web/20130127102509/http://killdream.github.com/blog/2011/10/understanding-javascript-oop/index .html) – Bergi 2015-02-12 12:05:53