// ----------------------------
// Listing 13-3.
open System
open System.Threading
open System.ComponentModel
open System.Windows.Forms
/// An IterativeBackgroudWorker follows the BackgroundWorker design pattern
/// but instead of running an arbitrary computation it iterates a function
/// a fixed number of times and reports intermediate and final results.
/// The worker is paramaterized by its internal state type.
/// Percentage progress is based on the iteration number. Cancellation checks
/// are made at each iteration. Implemented via an internal BackgroundWorker.
type IterativeBackgroundWorker<'a>(oneStep:('a -> 'a),
numIterations:int) =
let worker =
new BackgroundWorker(WorkerReportsProgress=true,
// The constructor captures the synchronization context. This allows us to post
// messages back to the GUI thread where the BackgroundWorker was created.
let syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current
do if syncContext = null then failwith "no synchronization context found"
// Create the events that we will later trigger
let triggerStarted, started = IEvent.create()
let triggerCompleted,completed = IEvent.create()
let triggerError ,error = IEvent.create()
let triggerCancelled,cancelled = IEvent.create()
let triggerProgress ,progress = IEvent.create()
do worker.DoWork.Add(fun args ->
syncContext.Post(SendOrPostCallback(fun _ -> triggerStarted(DateTime.Now)),
// This recursive function represents the computation loop.
// It runs at "maximum speed", i.e. is an active rather than
// a reactive process, and can only be controlled by a
// cancellation signal.
let rec iterate state i =
// At the end of the compuation terminate the recursive loop
if worker.CancellationPending then
args.Cancel <- true
elif i < numIterations then
// Compute the next result
let state' = oneStep state
// Report the percentage compuation and the internal state
let percent = int ((float (i+1)/float numIterations) * 100.0)
do worker.ReportProgress(percent, box state);
// Compute the next result
iterate state' (i+1)
args.Result <- box state
iterate initialState 0)
do worker.RunWorkerCompleted.Add(fun args ->
if args.Cancelled then triggerCancelled()
elif args.Error <> null then triggerError args.Error
else triggerCompleted (args.Result :?> 'a))
do worker.ProgressChanged.Add(fun args ->
triggerProgress (args.ProgressPercentage,(args.UserState :?> 'a)))
member x.WorkerCompleted = completed
member x.WorkerCancelled = cancelled
member x.WorkerError = error
member x.ProgressChanged = progress
// Delegate the remaining members to the underlying worker
member x.RunWorkerAsync() = worker.RunWorkerAsync()
member x.CancelAsync() = worker.CancelAsync()
/// The Started event gets raised when the worker starts. It is
/// raised on the GUI thread (i.e. in the synchronization context of
/// the thread where the worker object was created).
// It has type IEvent<DateTime>
member x.Started = started
let fibOneStep (fibPrevPrev:bigint,fibPrev) = (fibPrev, fibPrevPrev+fibPrev)
// ----------------------------
let worker = new IterativeBackgroundWorker<_>(fibOneStep,(1I,1I),100)
worker.WorkerCompleted.Add(fun result ->
MessageBox.Show(sprintf "Result = %A" result) |> ignore)
worker.ProgressChanged.Add(fun (percentage, state) ->
printfn "%d%% complete, state = %A" percentage state)
// ----------------------------
只需要知道如何做一個將在稍後觸發的新事件。但是,如果有人想幫助,使在代碼那麼這將是一個很大的感謝:d – Daniel