2016-08-02 443 views


for k=1:20 

% code executed with output 'image' 

image_rotate = imrotate(image,-90); %put dataset in correct orientation 

data.(['val' num2str(k)]) = image_rotate; % save the dataset. Access first iteration data.val1, ... data.val20 (all with same size 223x375 dataset, which in binary with the object '1' and background '0') 


% what I have been using to plot the dataset 

figure, imshow(data.val51),axis image, impixelinfo, colormap(jet) 




會顯示一個簡短的視頻有助於你想達到什麼樣的?在這種情況下:http://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/examples/convert-between-image-sequences-and-video.html可能是一個很好的資源 – optimist


謝謝你的留言。我正在嘗試生成2D圖像。上面的相似圖像顯示物體以不同的顏色生長,表示不同的時間步長。但我不知道如何實現這一點,並重疊圖像,使我可以看到前方的增長。 –


如果您想要在每次迭代中看到圖像增長,只需​​創建一個累加器變量,您可以在其中放置不斷增長的圖像並在每次迭代時繪製它。您需要調用'drawnow'才能看到它增長,也許需要一些'暫停'來控制循環的速度。 –





close all 

I = imread('CaNtG.jpg'); 
R0 = I(:, :, 1); %Red plane of I 
G0 = I(:, :, 2); %Green plane of I 
B0 = I(:, :, 3); %Blue plane of I 

%Build masks with ones for each stage. 
%Since I build the mask manaully, they are not perfect cut. 
matHVS = rgb2hsv(double(I)/255); 
H = round(matHVS(:, :, 1)*100); 
Z = logical(zeros(size(H))); 
M1 = Z;M1((H >= 99)) = 1;M1(:, 535:end) = 0; 
M2 = Z;M2((H >= 8) & (H <= 11)) = 1;M2(:,1:330) = 0;M2(:, 615:end) = 0; 
M3 = Z;M3((H >= 12) & (H <= 25)) = 1;M3(:,1:330) = 0;M3(:, 615:end) = 0; 
M4 = Z;M4((H >= 26) & (H <= 37)) = 1;M4(:,1:529) = 0;M4(:, 755:end) = 0; 
M5 = Z;M5((H >= 38) & (H <= 54)) = 1;M5(:,1:593) = 0;M5(:, 818:end) = 0; 
M6 = Z;M6((H <= 1)) = 1;M6(:, 1:656) = 0;M6(:, 853:end) = 0; 
M7 = Z;M7((H >= 55) & (H <= 70)) = 1;M7(:,1:816) = 0;M7(:, 1099:end) = 0; 
M8 = Z;M8((H >= 71) & (H <= 90)) = 1;M8(:,1:893) = 0;M8(:, 1140:end) = 0; 
M9 = Z;M9((H >= 91)) = 1;M9(:,1:1045) = 0; 

%Create cell array of 9 masks. 
MM = {M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9}; 

J = uint8(ones(size(I))*255); %J starts with all pixels white. 

R1 = J(:, :, 1); %Red plane of J 
G1 = J(:, :, 2); %Green plane of J 
B1 = J(:, :, 3); %Blue plane of J 


for i = 1:9 
    M = MM{i}; %M aplies mask of current stage. 
    R1(M) = R0(M); 
    G1(M) = G0(M); 
    B1(M) = B0(M); 
    J = cat(3, R1, G1, B1); 
    %imwrite(J, ['J', num2str(i), '.jpg']); 



enter image description here



close all 

I = imread('CaNtG.jpg'); 
R0 = I(:, :, 1); %Red plane of I 
G0 = I(:, :, 2); %Green plane of I 
B0 = I(:, :, 3); %Blue plane of I 

%Build masks with ones for each stage. 
%Since I build the mask manaully, they are not perfect cut. 
matHVS = rgb2hsv(double(I)/255); 
H = round(matHVS(:, :, 1)*100); 
Z = logical(zeros(size(H))); 
M1 = Z;M1((H >= 99)) = 1;M1(:, 535:end) = 0; %Red 
M2 = Z;M2((H >= 8) & (H <= 11)) = 1;M2(:,1:330) = 0;M2(:, 615:end) = 0; %Brown 
M3 = Z;M3((H >= 12) & (H <= 25)) = 1;M3(:,1:330) = 0;M3(:, 615:end) = 0; %Yellow 
M4 = Z;M4((H >= 26) & (H <= 37)) = 1;M4(:,1:529) = 0;M4(:, 755:end) = 0; %Green 
M5 = Z;M5((H >= 45) & (H <= 54)) = 1;M5(:,1:593) = 0;M5(:, 818:end) = 0; %Cyan 
M6 = Z;M6((H <= 44)) = 1;M6(:, 1:656) = 0;M6(:, 853:end) = 0;    %Gray 
M7 = Z;M7((H >= 55) & (H <= 65)) = 1;M7(:,1:816) = 0;M7(:, 1099:end) = 0; %Blue 
M8 = Z;M8((H >= 66) & (H <= 89)) = 1;M8(:,1:893) = 0;M8(:, 1140:end) = 0; %Magenta 
M9 = Z;M9((H >= 90)) = 1;M9(:,1:1045) = 0;        %Dark red 

%Create cell array of 9 masks. 
MM = {M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9}; 

%Filling gaps between each two sequnital masks: 
%For each mask row, find last "1" of first section, first "1" in next section. 
%Fill "1"s from up to the center from both sides. 
%      | | 
%      V V 
%M0:   111111111100000000000 
%M1:   000000000000001111111 
%Gap:     <-->   
%Fill M0: 111111111111000000000 
%Fill M1: 000000000000111111111 
for i = 1:length(MM)-1 
    M0 = MM{i}; %Mask of section i 
    M1 = MM{i+1}; %Mask of section i+1 

    %Fill gaps - fill each mask row separatelly 
    for y = 1:size(M0, 1) 
     x0 = find(M0(y, :) == 1, 1, 'last'); %Last non-zero index in row of M0 
     x1 = find(M1(y, :) == 1, 1, 'first'); %First non-zero index in row of M1 
     gap_size = x1 - x0 - 1; 
     if (gap_size > 0) 
      gap0 = round(gap_size/2); 
      gap1 = gap_size - gap0; 
      if (gap0 > 0), M0(y, x0+1:x0+gap0) = 1; end %Fill first half gaps in M0 
      if (gap1 > 0), M1(y, x1-gap1:x1-1) = 1; end %Fill second half gaps in M1 

    MM{i} = M0;  %Update cell array MM with "filled" M0. 
    MM{i+1} = M1; %Update cell array MM with "filled" M1. 

%Find left white section, and fill "1"s in W: 
W = Z; 
M1 = MM{1}; 
for y = 1:size(M0, 1)  
    x = find(M1(y, :) == 1, 1); %Find fisrt non-zero element in row of M0. 
    W(y, 1:x) = 1; 

%Fill holes inside the masks 
%A "hole" is a "0" that the value left to it is "1" 
%Fill hols with "1"s 
%      | | 
%      V V 
%M0:   11111111110000011111 
%Hole:     <---> 
%Fill hole: 11111111111111111111 
for i = 1:length(MM) 
    M0 = MM{i}; %Mask of section i 

    %Fill holds - fill each mask row separatelly 
    for y = 1:size(M0, 1) 
     x0 = find(M0(y, :) == 1, 1, 'last'); %Last non-zero index in row of M0 
     M0(y, 1:x0) = 1; %Fill all mask pixels to the left of the "1" with value "1". 

    M0(W == 1) = 0; %Erase W pixels from the first mask. 

    W(M0 == 1) = 1; %Add all "1"s in mask M0 to W (W keeps unuion of all left sections up to section i). 

    MM{i} = M0;  %Update cell array MM with "filled" M0. 

J = uint8(ones(size(I))*255); %J starts with all pixels white. 

R1 = J(:, :, 1); %Red plane of J 
G1 = J(:, :, 2); %Green plane of J 
B1 = J(:, :, 3); %Blue plane of J 


for i = 1:length(MM) 
    M = MM{i}; %M aplies mask of current stage. 
    R1(M) = R0(M); 
    G1(M) = G0(M); 
    B1(M) = B0(M); 
    J = cat(3, R1, G1, B1); 
    %imwrite(J, ['J', num2str(i), '.jpg']); 


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enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

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enter image description here


num_parts = 7; 

MM = cell(1, num_parts); 

%Cell array of 7 colors to fill 
colors = {[0,0,255], [0,255,0], [255,0,0], [128, 128, 128], [0,255,255], [255,0,255], [255,255,0]}; 

%Load masks from files 1 (2).tif to 7 (2).tif. 
%Change mask format, and dimensions to match size and dimensions of I. 
for i = 1:num_parts 
    fname = [num2str(i), ' (2).tif']; %File name: 1 (2).tif to 7 (2).tif. 
    M = imread(fname); %Load image. 

    M = M(:, :, 1); %Keep the red color plane. 

    [y0, x0] = find(M ~= 255, 1); 
    [y1, x1] = find(M ~= 255, 1, 'last'); 

    M = M(y0:y1, x0:x1); %Crop the area that is not 255 (remove white background). 

    M = logical(M); %Convert to logical mask of zeros and ones. 

    MM{i} = M; 

%Remove ovelap beetween masks (iterate from last mask backward): 
for i = length(MM):-1:2 
    MM{i}(MM{i-1}) = 0; 

K = uint8(ones(size(M,1), size(M,2), 3)*255); %K starts with all pixels white. 

R = K(:, :, 1); %Red plane of K 
G = K(:, :, 2); %Green plane of K 
B = K(:, :, 3); %Blue plane of K 


for i = 1:length(MM) 
    M = MM{i}; %M aplies mask of current stage. 
    R(M) = colors{i}(1); 
    G(M) = colors{i}(2); 
    B(M) = colors{i}(3); 
    K = uint8(cat(3, R, G, B)); 
    %imwrite(K, ['K', num2str(i), '.jpg']); 

enter image description here


非常感謝您的幫助。 –


除了以後在我的代碼中,我想通過重疊它們並將顏色與每個圖像相關聯,從一組7個圖像中生成一個相似的圖像。也可以用不同的圖像做到這一點嗎?鏈接是[link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ecxd9dxlramjv8f/Images.zip?dl=0) –


This [link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxixlk5jw2glu0i/Images %20%282%29.zip?dl = 0)移除了顏色條,這可能會更好。 –