2016-07-07 18 views


.userTextDivOp { 
\t text-align: left; 
\t float: left; 
\t clear: both; 
\t position: relative; 
\t background: white; 
\t padding-top: 5px; 
\t padding-bottom: 7px; 
\t padding-left: 7px; 
\t padding-right: 7px; 
\t border-radius: 6px; 
\t border: 3px solid #999; 
\t font-size: 12px; 
\t margin-bottom: 7px; 
\t margin-right: 4px; 
\t margin-left: 4px; 

.userTextDivOp::before { 
\t content: ''; 
\t position: absolute; 
\t visibility: visible; 
\t top: -3px; 
\t left: -11px; 
\t border: 9px solid transparent; 
\t border-top: 11px solid #999; 

.userTextDivOp::after { 
\t content: ''; 
\t position: absolute; 
\t visibility: visible; 
\t top: 0px; 
\t left: -6px; 
\t border: 9px solid transparent; 
\t border-top: 8px solid white; 
\t clear: both; 

.userTextDivOp .message { 
\t word-break: break-all; 
\t font-size: 13px; 

.userTextDivOp .username { 
\t position: relative; 
\t display: block; 
\t font-weight: bold; 
\t font-size: 14px; 
\t color: #8e0035; 
    \t text-align:left; 
    \t padding-bottom: 4px; 
    margin-top: 3px; 

.userTextDivOp .time { 
\t position: absolute; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    color: #f60; 
<div class="userTextDivOp" > 
    <span class="username">UserName</span> 
    <span class="message">' Testing testing</span> 
    <span class="time">04:00 PM 7 Jul 2016</span> 

This is the sample.


那麼,爲什麼你標記在JavaScript這個問題.....其對CSS –


刪除'位置:中absolute''.time'並添加'display:block'。見[**這**](https://jsfiddle.net/cq2ja1uz/1/) – Mohammad


我想你可以使用淺灰色的時間和日期。它不應該突出。例如'#eee'和稍小的'font-size' – Abbr




.userTextDivOp { 
\t text-align: left; 
\t float: left; 
\t clear: both; 
\t position: relative; 
\t background: white; 
\t padding-top: 5px; 
\t padding-bottom: 7px; 
\t padding-left: 7px; 
\t padding-right: 7px; 
\t border-radius: 6px; 
\t border: 3px solid #999; 
\t font-size: 12px; 
\t margin-bottom: 7px; 
\t margin-right: 4px; 
\t margin-left: 4px; 

.userTextDivOp::before { 
\t content: ''; 
\t position: absolute; 
\t visibility: visible; 
\t top: -3px; 
\t left: -11px; 
\t border: 9px solid transparent; 
\t border-top: 11px solid #999; 

.userTextDivOp::after { 
\t content: ''; 
\t position: absolute; 
\t visibility: visible; 
\t top: 0px; 
\t left: -6px; 
\t border: 9px solid transparent; 
\t border-top: 8px solid white; 
\t clear: both; 

.userTextDivOp .message { 
\t word-break: break-all; 
\t font-size: 13px; 

.userTextDivOp .username { 
\t position: relative; 
\t display: block; 
\t font-weight: bold; 
\t font-size: 14px; 
\t color: #8e0035; 
    \t text-align:left; 
    \t padding-bottom: 4px; 
    margin-top: 3px; 

.userTextDivOp .time { 
    //#You can edit these style settings to edit how the Time and date look 
\t position: relative; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    color: pink; 
    padding: 0 20px; 
    font-family: courier, monospace; 
<div class="userTextDivOp" > 
    <span class="username">UserName</span> 
    <span class="message">' Testing testing</span> 
    <span class="time">04:00 PM 7 Jul 2016</span> 


.userTextDivOp { 
\t text-align: left; 
\t float: left; 
\t clear: both; 
\t position: relative; 
\t background: white; 
\t padding-top: 5px; 
\t padding-bottom: 40px; 
\t padding-left: 7px; 
\t padding-right: 7px; 
\t border-radius: 6px; 
\t border: 3px solid #999; 
\t font-size: 12px; 
\t margin-bottom: 7px; 
\t margin-right: 4px; 
\t margin-left: 4px; 

.userTextDivOp::before { 
\t content: ''; 
\t position: absolute; 
\t visibility: visible; 
\t top: -3px; 
\t left: -11px; 
\t border: 9px solid transparent; 
\t border-top: 11px solid #999; 

.userTextDivOp::after { 
\t content: ''; 
\t position: absolute; 
\t visibility: visible; 
\t top: 0px; 
\t left: -6px; 
\t border: 9px solid transparent; 
\t border-top: 8px solid white; 
\t clear: both; 

.userTextDivOp .message { 
\t word-break: break-all; 
\t font-size: 13px; 

.userTextDivOp .username { 
\t position: relative; 
\t display: block; 
\t font-weight: bold; 
\t font-size: 14px; 
\t color: #8e0035; 
    \t text-align:left; 
    \t padding-bottom: 4px; 
    margin-top: 3px; 

.userTextDivOp .time { 
\t position: absolute; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    color: #f60; 
<div class="userTextDivOp" > 
    <span class="username">UserName</span> 
    <span class="message">' Testing testing</span> 
    <span class="time">04:00 PM 7 Jul 2016</span> 



<time> 2011-11 </time> 



<time datetime="2011-11">November, 2011</time> 

    <time datetime="2013-04-01">April 1st, 2013</time> 

    <time datetime="5d 22h 54m 41s">5 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes, and 41 seconds</time> 




<div class="wrapper"> 
    <div class="userTextDivOp" > 
    <span class="username">UserName</span> 
    <span class="message">' Testing testing</span> 
    <span class="time">04:00 PM 7 Jul 2016</span> 

    position: relative; 

.userTextDivOp { 
    text-align: left; 
    float: left; 
    clear: both; 
    background: white; 
    padding-top: 5px; 
    padding-bottom: 7px; 
    padding-left: 7px; 
    padding-right: 7px; 
    border-radius: 6px; 
    border: 3px solid #999; 
    font-size: 12px; 
    margin-top: -3px; 
    margin-left: -2px; 
.userTextDivOp .time { 
    position: absolute; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    color: #f60; 
    left: 125px; 
    top: 0; 
.userTextDivOp:hover .time { 

.userTextDivOp::before { 
    content: ''; 
    position: absolute; 
    visibility: visible; 
    top: -3px; 
    left: -11px; 
    border: 9px solid transparent; 
    border-top: 11px solid #999; 

.userTextDivOp::after { 
    content: ''; 
    position: absolute; 
    visibility: visible; 
    top: 0px; 
    left: -6px; 
    border: 9px solid transparent; 
    border-top: 8px solid white; 
    clear: both; 

.userTextDivOp .message { 
    word-break: break-all; 
    font-size: 13px; 

.userTextDivOp .username { 
    position: relative; 
    display: block; 
    font-weight: bold; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    color: #8e0035; 
    padding-bottom: 4px; 
    margin-top: 3px; 

我只想在消息框中顯示時間和日期。 –