2017-08-30 58 views





'PdfCopy' does not contain a definition for 'AddDocument' and no extension method 'AddDocument' accepting a first argument of type 'PdfCopy' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 

3:如何處理pageToInsert at大於源的頁面總數?

我現在已經看過噸文檔。所有的人說用PdfCopy和.AddDocument ...

Merging multiple PDFs using iTextSharp in c#.net



using System; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using iTextSharp.text; 
using iTextSharp.text.pdf; 
using System.IO; 

namespace PdfMergeTest 
    public partial class Form1 : Form 
     private const string baseFile = "baseFile.tmp"; 
     private const string baseTempPdfFileName = "temp.pdf"; 

     public Form1() 

     private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 


     private void btnMerge_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      if (!CheckBasePaths()) 

      //get the files to merge to baseFile 
      var filesToMerge = GetAllFilesToMerge(); 
      if (filesToMerge.Length == 0) 

      //get basefile to which we need to merge the above files, it is with .tmp ext 
      var baseFileWithPath = GetBaseFile(); 
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseFileWithPath)) 

      //temp base pdf 
      var tempPdfWithPath = GetBaseTempFile(); 
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tempPdfWithPath)) 

      //loop through the files to merge and merge into baseFile 
      var page = 2; //page where to merge the file, we are not appending to the end. Actual code will find the page from source where to merge and will add 1 to it 
      foreach (FileInfo toMerge in filesToMerge) 
       //copy the base file as temp file for source; for debugging purposes at this time 
       File.Copy(baseFileWithPath, tempPdfWithPath, true); 

       //start merging, first at #2, second at #4, third at #6 and so on 
       MergeFiles(baseFileWithPath, tempPdfWithPath, toMerge.FullName, page); 

       page += 2; 

     private bool CheckBasePaths() 
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBaseDir.Text)) 
       MessageBox.Show("No Base Directory"); 
       return false; 

      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtFilesToMergeToBase.Text)) 
       MessageBox.Show("No files to merge Directory"); 
       return false; 

      if (!Directory.Exists(txtBaseDir.Text)) 
       MessageBox.Show("Base dir does not exist"); 
       return false; 

      if (!Directory.Exists(txtFilesToMergeToBase.Text)) 
       MessageBox.Show("Files to merge dir does not exist"); 
       return false; 

      return true; 

     private FileInfo[] GetAllFilesToMerge() 
      DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(txtFilesToMergeToBase.Text); 
      FileInfo[] files = d.GetFiles("*.pdf"); 
      if (files.Length == 0) 
       MessageBox.Show("No files to merge"); 
      return files; 

     private String GetBaseFile() 
      var myBaseFile = Path.Combine(txtBaseDir.Text, baseFile); 
      if (!File.Exists(myBaseFile)) 
       myBaseFile = ""; 
       MessageBox.Show("Base file missing"); 
      return myBaseFile; 

     private String GetBaseTempFile() 
      var myBaseTempFile = Path.Combine(txtBaseDir.Text, baseTempPdfFileName); 
      return myBaseTempFile; 

     private void MergeFiles(string originalFile, string sourceFile, string toMergeFile, int insertPage) 
      Document document = null; 
      PdfCopy pdfCopy = null; 
      PdfReader pdfReader = null; 

       //Step#1: create a document object 
       document = new Document(); 

       //Step#2: create a writer that listen to the document 
       pdfCopy = new PdfSmartCopy(document, new FileStream(originalFile, FileMode.Create)); 
       if (pdfCopy == null) 

       //Step#3: open document 

       //Step#4: create a reader for the toMergeFile and add document 
       pdfReader = new PdfReader(toMergeFile); 
       //add the entire document instead of page by page 
      catch (Exception ex) 
       if (pdfReader != null) pdfReader.Close(); 
       if (pdfCopy != null) pdfCopy.Close(); 
       if (document != null) document.Close(); 




'AddDocument()'方法當然存在於iTextSharp 5.4.5和5.4.11中,但它在5.0.0中不可用。也許你的環境中有不同版本的iTextSharp,也許你使用的是舊版本,卻沒有意識到你使用的是舊版本。如何找出答案?創建一個簡單的Hello World示例,並查看生產者行(請參閱Adobe Reader中的文檔屬性)。這會告訴你實際使用的版本。 –


我已經設置了一個新的測試並下載了版本5.4.5和5.5.10。所以上面的測試代碼來自我的測試項目。 AddDocument不可用。現在我下載的壓縮文件,即使是5.5.10,實際上包含舊版本?你能指出我正確的網址? –


使用'iTextSharp.text'和'iTextSharp.text.pdf',並且dll是pdfa。這對你來說似乎是正確的@BrunoLowagie? –




Private Sub btnExtractMerge_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExtractMerge.Click 
     txtCurSetupMessages.Text = "" 
     ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Extract & Merge Process Started") 

     'get and check the paths/files from the form 
     Dim baseDir As String = txtCurSetupBaseDataFolder.Text 
     Dim baseInvDir As String = txtCurSetupInvoicesFolder.Text 
     Dim baseFileName As String = txtEMBaseFile.Text 
     Dim targetFileName As String = txtEMTargetFile.Text 

     If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseDir) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Base folder empty!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
     If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseInvDir) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Base invoice folder name empty!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
     If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseFileName) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Base file name empty!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
     If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFileName) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Target file name empty!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
     If Not Directory.Exists(baseDir) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Base folder does not exist!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 
     baseInvDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, baseInvDir) 
     If Not Directory.Exists(baseInvDir) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Base invoice folder does not exist!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     'get the invoice files 
     Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(baseInvDir) 
     Dim files As FileInfo() = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.pdf") 
     If files.Length <= 0 Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Invoices missing!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     baseFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, baseFileName) 
     If Not File.Exists(baseFileName) Then 
      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Base file missing!") 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     targetFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, targetFileName) 
     If File.Exists(targetFileName) Then 
     End If 

     Dim tempSource As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, "tempSource.pdf") 
     If File.Exists(tempSource) Then 
     End If 

     'copy the base file as temp file 
     File.Copy(baseFileName, tempSource, True) 

     'do action 
     Dim iteration As Integer = 1 
     Dim totalPages As Integer = 0 
     Dim page As Integer = 0 

     Dim temp As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, "temp.pdf") 
     Dim tempBefore As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, "tempBefore.pdf") 
     Dim tempAfter As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDir, "tempAfter.pdf") 
     Dim reader As PdfReader = Nothing 

     For Each myFile As FileInfo In files 

      If File.Exists(temp) Then File.Delete(temp) 
      If File.Exists(tempBefore) Then File.Delete(tempBefore) 
      If File.Exists(tempAfter) Then File.Delete(tempAfter) 

      'get total pages in the pdf 
      reader = New PdfReader(tempSource) 
      totalPages = reader.NumberOfPages 
      If totalPages = 0 Then 
       ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, String.Format("0 pages found in the source file")) 
       Exit For 
      End If 

      'find page number, this is the page after which we'll place the invoice pdf 
      page = FindPageNo(tempSource, 1, myFile.Name.ToUpper.Replace(".PDF", "")) 
      If page <= 0 Then Continue For 

      ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, String.Format("Processing Invoice:{0} Page:{1} InvoiceFile:{2}", Format(iteration, "000"), Format(page + 1, "000"), myFile.Name)) 

      If page = totalPages Then 
       'append the invoice file to the end 
       AddDocuments(temp, tempSource, myFile.FullName, "") 
       'divide the pages into temp before and temp after then put together 
       BuildTempBeforeAndAfter(tempSource, tempBefore, tempAfter, page, totalPages) 
       'now put together 
       AddDocuments(temp, tempBefore, myFile.FullName, tempAfter) 
      End If 

      'move the temp into temp source 
      If File.Exists(temp) Then 
       File.Copy(temp, tempSource, True) 
      End If 

      iteration += 1 

     'clean reader, used for temp number of pages 
     If Not reader Is Nothing Then reader.Close() 

     'clean the temp files used by the loop 
     If File.Exists(temp) Then File.Delete(temp) 
     If File.Exists(tempBefore) Then File.Delete(tempBefore) 
     If File.Exists(tempAfter) Then File.Delete(tempAfter) 

     'move temp source to target file and delete 
     If File.Exists(tempSource) Then 
      File.Copy(tempSource, targetFileName, True) 
     End If 

     ShowMessage(txtCurSetupMessages, "Process Completed") 
    End Sub 

Private Function FindPageNo(ByVal sourceFiles As String, ByVal startpage As Integer, ByVal invno As String) As Integer 
     Dim i As Integer 
     Dim str1 As String 
     Dim pos1 As Integer, pos2 As Integer 
     Dim bgReader As PdfReader 
     Dim pagen As Integer 
     If File.Exists(sourceFiles) Then 
      bgReader = New PdfReader(sourceFiles) 

      If startpage > bgReader.NumberOfPages Then 
       FindPageNo = -1 'error. invalid 
      End If 

      pagen = 0 
      For i = startpage To bgReader.NumberOfPages 
       str1 = pdftextextractor.GetTextFromPage(bgReader, i) 
       pos1 = str1.IndexOf("Invoice No:") 
       pos2 = str1.IndexOf("Phone:") 
       If pos2 > pos1 Then 
        If str1.Substring(pos1 + 11, pos2 - pos1 - 11).Trim.Equals(invno) = True Then 
         pagen = i 'found the page 
         'Exit Function 
         If pagen <> 0 Then 
          'we found the page no. so no need to go further. 
          'exit now 
          FindPageNo = pagen 'last page found 
          Exit Function 
         End If 
        End If 
       End If 
      Next i 
     End If 
     If pagen <> 0 Then 
      FindPageNo = pagen 'last page found 
      FindPageNo = 0 'not found 
     End If 

    End Function 

    Private Function BuildTempBeforeAndAfter(ByVal tempSource As String, ByVal tempBefore As String, ByVal tempAfter As String, ByVal endPage As Integer, ByVal totalPages As Integer) As Boolean 
     Dim reader As PdfReader = Nothing 
     Dim copy As PdfCopy = Nothing 
     Dim doc As Document = Nothing 
     Dim impPage As PdfImportedPage = Nothing 
     Dim isBuild As Boolean = True 
      reader = New PdfReader(tempSource) 
      doc = New Document(reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1)) 
      'before file 
      copy = New PdfCopy(doc, New FileStream(tempBefore, FileMode.Create)) 
      For index = 1 To endPage 
       impPage = copy.GetImportedPage(reader, index) 
      'after file 
      doc = New Document(reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1)) 
      copy = New PdfCopy(doc, New FileStream(tempAfter, FileMode.Create)) 
      For index = endPage + 1 To totalPages 
       impPage = copy.GetImportedPage(reader, index) 
     Catch ex As Exception 
      isBuild = False 
      'clean the objects 
      If Not reader Is Nothing Then reader.Close() 
      If Not doc Is Nothing Then doc.Close() 
      If Not reader Is Nothing Then reader.Close() 
     End Try 
     Return isBuild 
    End Function 

    Private Function AddDocuments(ByVal targetFile As String, ByVal addFile1 As String, ByVal addFile2 As String, ByVal addFile3 As String) As Boolean 
     Dim reader As PdfReader = Nothing 
     Dim copy As PdfCopy = Nothing 
     Dim doc As Document = Nothing 
     Dim isAdded As Boolean = True 
      doc = New Document 
      copy = New PdfSmartCopy(doc, New FileStream(targetFile, FileMode.Create)) 
      'add file 1 
      If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addFile1) Then 
       reader = New PdfReader(addFile1) 
      End If 
      'add file 2 
      If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addFile2) Then 
       reader = New PdfReader(addFile2) 
      End If 
      'add file 3 
      If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addFile3) Then 
       reader = New PdfReader(addFile3) 
      End If 
     Catch ex As Exception 
      isAdded = False 
      'clean the objects 
      If Not reader Is Nothing Then reader.Close() 
      If Not doc Is Nothing Then doc.Close() 
      If Not reader Is Nothing Then reader.Close() 
     End Try 
     Return isAdded 
    End Function