我有MATLAB 2010a,我想將我的腳本編譯爲獨立的windows .exe文件。問題是當我使用mbuild -setup
時,我的Visual Studio 2010沒有選項。我看到有一個針對MEX文件的補丁,我安裝了這個補丁就沒有幫助。MATLAB mbuild -setup編譯器問題
>> mbuild -setup
Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:
Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n? n
Select a compiler:
[1] Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1
[2] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express
[3] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1
[0] None
當記者問Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:
>> mbuild -setup
Please choose your compiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:
Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y
Select a compiler:
[0] None
Compiler: 0
mbuild: No compiler selected. No action taken.
會發生什麼事,如果你回答「y」以搜索已安裝的編譯器的選項? – Isaac 2012-07-27 21:48:56
我已將編輯添加到了我最初的問題中。 – Shinobii 2012-07-27 22:01:36
@Shinobii:要說清楚,你正在討論這裏提到的補丁:[設置mex以使用Visual Studio 2010編譯器](http://stackoverflow.com/q/4078094/97160) – Amro 2012-07-29 17:47:23