2016-04-21 60 views


<TextBox Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,10,10,10" AcceptsReturn="True" Name="txtLogging" TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow" 
       Text="{Binding Path=LogText, Mode=TwoWay}" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" /> 

public string LogText 
    get { return _logText; } 
     _logText = value; 



using System; 
using System.IO; 

namespace BatchInvoice 
    public enum LoggingLevel 
     Verbose = 0, 
     Info = 1, 
     Warning = 2, 
     Error = 3 
    public sealed class Logger 

     string _logFile; 
     static Logger() { } 
     public bool LogToDataBase = false; 
     public bool LogToFile = true; 
     public bool LogToScreen = false; 
     private Logger() 
      //string filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); 
      string filePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); 
      filePath = filePath + @"\LogFiles"; 
      string extension = ".log"; 
      if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)) 
      /*string currentDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; 
      DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(currentDir); 
      string fullDirectory = directory.FullName;*/ 
      string date = (DateTime.Now).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); 
      _logFile = filePath + "\\" + date + extension; 
      minimumLoggingLevel = LoggingLevel.Info; 
     private LoggingLevel minimumLoggingLevel; 
     public static void SetMinimumLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel minimum) 
      Instance.minimumLoggingLevel = minimum; 
     public static LoggingLevel GetMinimumLoggingLevel() 
      return Instance.minimumLoggingLevel; 
     private static readonly Logger instance = new Logger(); 
     public static Logger Instance 
       return instance; 
     public static void Write(string content) 
      using (StreamWriter fileWriter = File.AppendText(Instance._logFile)) 
     public static void Write(string content, LoggingLevel warningLevel) 
      if (Instance.minimumLoggingLevel <= warningLevel) 
       if (Instance.LogToFile) 
        using (StreamWriter fileWriter = File.AppendText(Instance._logFile)) 
         fileWriter.WriteLine(warningLevel.ToString() + ": " + content); 
       if (Instance.LogToScreen) 
        ScreenLogging.Write(content, warningLevel); 
       if (Instance.LogToDataBase) 
        //enter database loggign code here. 

using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Controls; 

namespace BatchInvoice 
    public class ScreenLogging 
     private static ScreenLogging _instance; 
     private ScreenLogging() { } 
     public static ScreenLogging Instance 
       if(_instance == null) 
        _instance = new ScreenLogging(); 
       return _instance; 
     private TextBox _target; 
     public static void SetTarget(TextBox target) 
      Instance._target = target; 
     public static void Write(string content, LoggingLevel warningLevel) 
      //MessageBox.Show(content, warningLevel.ToString()); 
      Instance._target.AppendText(warningLevel.ToString() + ": " + content + "\n"); 



你可以使用Bgworker或任務和更新您的文本框中有隻 – Firoz




public class ScreenLogging 
    private static ScreenLogging _instance; 
    private ScreenLogging() { } 
    public static ScreenLogging Instance 
      if (_instance == null) 
       _instance = new ScreenLogging(); 
      return _instance; 
    private TextBox _target; 
    public static void SetTarget(TextBox target) 
     Instance._target = target; 
    public static void Write(string content, LoggingLevel warningLevel) 
     var appendTextAction = new Action(() => 
      var text = warningLevel.ToString() + ": " + content + "\n"; 

     // Only the thread that the Dispatcher was created on may access the 
     // DispatcherObject directly. To access a DispatcherObject from a 
     // thread other than the thread the DispatcherObject was created on, 
     // call Invoke and BeginInvoke on the Dispatcher the DispatcherObject 
     // is associated with. 
     // You can set the priority to Background, so you guarantee that your 
     // key operations will be processed first, and the screen updating 
     // operations will happen only after those operations are done. 

大約一小時前剛剛更改爲此。我爲記錄器和屏幕記錄類的實例添加了一個鎖,它似乎工作正常。謝謝! – dragoncmd


快樂你找到解決方案!對不起,延誤了,我很忙,只是再次看到你的問題。 – Ismael



private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
     // I guess this is how you are using your logger, right? 

     BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker(); 

     // Your classic event to do the background work... 
     worker.DoWork += Worker_DoWork; 

     // Here you can sender messages to UI. 
     worker.ProgressChanged += Worker_ProgressChanged; 

     // Don't forget to turn this property to true. 
     worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; 


    private void Worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) 
     var worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; 


     // ReportProgress sends two values to the ProgressChanged method, for the 
     // ProgressChangedEventArgs object. The first one is the percentage of the 
     // work, and the second one can be any object that you need to pass to UI. 
     // In a simple example, I am passing my log message and just putting 
     // any random value at progress, since it does not matter here. 
     worker.ReportProgress(0, "Test!"); 

    private void Worker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) 
     // Here you get your UserState object, wich is my string message passed on 
     // with the ReportProgress method above. 
     var message = e.UserState as string; 

     // Then you call your log as always. Simple, right? 
     ScreenLogging.Write(message, LoggingLevel.Info); 

這是有道理的,但要求所有來電改寫到當前存在的記錄。這些文件也被用於相關的命令行應用程序中。是否有可能檢測到一段代碼是從主線程運行還是不是?如果我可以使用可以檢查其是否從後臺線程運行的東西來覆蓋Logger.Write()方法,並且如果是,則調用報告進度方法,那會更好。 – dragoncmd