我有,我得到了形成我的第一篇守則:Need help about a function點擊一個按鈕,打開一個輸入字段閃爍的光標
的jsfiddle LINK:http://jsfiddle.net/saifrahu28/qzKWD/
<button id="createDiv">Start</button>
<div id="results"></div>
#createDiv, #results span { cursor: pointer; }
#results div {
background: #FFA;
border: 1px solid;
#results input[type=text] {
border: none;
display: none;
outline: none;
// Call for document .onload event
$(function() {
// Normal Click event asignement, same as $("#createDiv").click(function
$("#createDiv").on("click", function(e) {
// Simply creating the elements one by one to remove confusion
var newDiv = $("<div />", { class: "new-folder" }), // Notice, each child variable is appended to parent
newInp = $("<input />", { name: "inpTitle[]",style:"display:block ;border:solid 1px #fa9a34", type: "text", value: "Unnamed Group", class: "title-inp" }).appendTo(newDiv),
newSpan = $("<span />", { id: "myInstance2",style:"display:none", text: "Unnamed Group", class: "title-span" }).appendTo(newDiv);
// Everything created and seated, let's append this new div to it's parent
// the following use the ".delegate" side of .on
// This means that ALL future created elements with the same classname,
// inside the same parent will have this same event function added
$("#results").on("click", ".new-folder .title-span", function(e) {
// This hides our span as it was clicked on and shows our trick input,
// also places focus on input
$("#results").on("blur", ".new-folder .title-inp", function(e) {
// tells the browser, when user clicks away from input, hide input and show span
// also replaces text in span with new text in input
// The following sures we get the same functionality from blur on Enter key being pressed
$("#results").on("keyup", ".new-folder .title-inp", function(e) {
// Here we grab the key code for the "Enter" key
var eKey = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (eKey == 13) { // if enter key was pressed then hide input, show span, replace text
另一個改進是爲輸入(文本)使用「佔位符」而不是「值」。 –