我想使這個程序充當銀行,我如何確保正確的ID號碼必須輸入正確的PIN碼,並根據您輸入的ID輸入print hello然後輸入他們的名字和提示他們在銀行有多少錢。銀行ATM程序登錄
attempts = 0
store_id = [1057, 2736, 4659, 5691, 1234, 4321]
store_name = ["Jeremy Clarkson", "Suzanne Perry", "Vicki Butler-Henderson", "Jason Plato"]
store_balance = [172.16, 15.62, 23.91, 62.17, 131.90, 231.58]
store_pin = [1057, 2736, 4659, 5691]
start = int(input("Are you a member of the Northern Frock Bank?\n1. Yes\n2. No\n"))
if start == 1:
idguess = ""
pinguess = ""
while (idguess not in store_id) or (pinguess not in store_pin):
idguess = int(input("ID Number: "))
pinguess = int(input("PIN Number: "))
if (idguess not in store_id) or (pinguess not in store_pin):
print("Invalid Login")
attempts = attempts + 1
if attempts == 3:
print("This ATM has been blocked for too many failed attempts.")
elif start == 2:
name = str(input("What is your full name?: "))
pin = str(input("Please choose a 4 digit pin number for your bank account: "))
digits = len(pin)
balance = 100
while digits != 4:
print("That Pin is Invalid")
pin = str(input("Please choose a 4 digit pin number for your bank account: "))
digits = len(pin)
很好!你有特定的問題或問題嗎? – MooingRawr
您需要鏈接id-name-balance-pin,所以更好的方法是創建一個類並將其實例存儲在列表中。 –