2011-02-03 78 views

我有一個Web服務在Asp.net用C#和它給人的followoing錯誤:ASP .NET Web服務的問題

Server was unable to process request. ---> Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. 


The Following Application Error Occurred. Error Message: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. 
    at DataProcessing.Class1.getData(String dbObjectName_SP_Querry, ObjectType dbObjectType, SqlDbType[] dbObjectDataType, String[] dbParamterName, String[] dbparameterValue, Int32[] dbParameterSize) 
    at HAPS_BusinessLogic.EditMaster.edit(String sqlConnection, String PANUMBER, String PASUFFIX, String CLIENTFNAME, String CLIENTLNAME, String LEASETYPE, String AMOUNTTOPAY, String PMTFROMDATE, String PMTTODATE, String PymtToDateReasonCode, String OORID, String APTNO, String APTADDRESS, String APTBORO, String APTZIP, String LLDTIN, String LLDLEGALNAME, String LLDAPTNO, String LLDADDRESS, String LLDCITY, String LLDSTATE, String LLDZIP, String VendorChangeReasonCode, String MONTHLYRENT, String LEASEDATESTART, String LEASEDATEEND, String MONTHREMAIN, String BALANCEREMAIN, String CLIENTCONTRIBUTION, String LEASEDATESIGN, String DATESEND, String LEASEID, String CLIENTSSN, String PRGIND, String RECTYPE, String MonthlyCityShareOfRent, String MODBY, String MODDTE, String PAUSRCOMMENT, String PRID, String status) in C:\Documents and Settings\tveli3517\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\HAPS_Dev\HAPS_BusinessLogic\EditMaster.asmx.cs:line 33 

您可以發佈例外詳情嗎?否則根本沒有足夠的信息。 – Oded 2011-02-03 20:24:01


是的,如果我可以運行web服務和degug,在webservice中,我是一個調用我的存儲過程,並試圖運行SP seprately形式SQL Server 2005,它工作正常......但如果我把它稱爲形式的Web服務它沒有工作,並給出了上述例外......並沒有更多的細節 – abbas 2011-02-03 20:25:24




      var svcResponse = Service.GetResponse(); 
     catch (FaultException ex) 
      var message = ex.CreateMessageFault(); 
      if (message.HasDetail) {} // handle error... 