2013-01-24 17 views

模型中的代碼是 public function get_report6_8($ type,$ filter_id = NULL){values {array_filter}; $ filter = array($ filter_id);如何在codeigniter中動態地將值數組發送到查詢

$select = '';  
if ($filter_id && $type == 'jh') { 
    $select = 'and natbuild_rep.jh_rep_id = ?'; 
else if ($filter_id && $type == 'natbuild') { 
    $select = 'and natbuild_principal.id = ?'; 

$sql = "select sum(total) total 
    from (
     select value_of_sale total 
     from lead 
     left join natbuild_rep 
     on natbuild_rep.mobile = lead.mobile 
     left join natbuild_store 
     on natbuild_store.id = natbuild_rep.store_id 
     left join natbuild_principal 
     on natbuild_principal.store_group = ifnull(natbuild_store.store_group2, natbuild_store.store_group) 
     where (status = 1 OR status = 2) 
     and value_of_sale is not null 
     group by lead.id 
    ) temp"; 

return $this->db->query($sql, $values)->row(); 

在控制器中的代碼是 $數據[ '報告8'] = $這個 - > lead_report_model-> get_report6_8($型,$這 - >輸入 - >交的( '過濾器'));


  • 總計:$總))? $ report8->總:0;>
  • 如果我運行像

    select sum(total) total 
    from (
        select value_of_sale total 
        from lead 
        left join natbuild_rep 
        on natbuild_rep.mobile = lead.mobile 
        left join natbuild_store 
        on natbuild_store.id = natbuild_rep.store_id 
        left join natbuild_principal 
        on natbuild_principal.store_group = ifnull(natbuild_store.store_group2, natbuild_store.store_group) 
    where (status = 1 OR status = 2) 
        and value_of_sale is not null 
        and natbuild_principal.id in (18, 30, 31, 35, 33, 25, 23, 15, 8, 6, 5, 29, 7, 3, 2, 1, 24, 27, 22, 21, 20, 26, 36) 
    group by lead.id) temp 

    查詢的結果都是正確的。請幫助我如何向$ select發送值數組。當我從包含所有其他值的下拉菜單中選擇總計時,會發生這種情況。





    implode(",", $dropdownSelections); 
    $select = 'and natbuild_principal.id in ('.implode(",", $dropdownSelections).')'; 

    感謝。它工作,但我必須在此之前添加代碼,以從數據帖子數組中捕獲數組中的鍵值。我是這樣做的。 – user2006054


    public function get_report6_10($ type,$ data){ \t \t $ dropdownSelections = array(); \t \t的foreach($數據[ '過濾器']爲$鍵=> $值){ \t \t \t如果($鍵= ''!){ \t \t \t array_push($ dropdownSelections,$鍵); \t \t \t} \t \t \t} \t \t $ dropdownSelections =破滅( 「」,$ dropdownSelections); $ select =''; \t \t \t \t \t \t如果($類型== 'natbuild'){ \t \t \t \t \t $選擇= '和natbuild_principal.id在(' $ dropdownSelections。 ')'; \t \t \t \t} \t \t \t \t //回聲$選擇; – user2006054
