2017-01-27 55 views

我正在處理角材料佈局,它在包括IE11在內的所有瀏覽器中工作正常,但對於較小的屏幕分辨率,我正面臨內容重疊問題。 這裏是我試過的代碼:IE11中角度材質佈局問題的小屏幕分辨率


<div layout="row" layout-sm="column" layout-xs="column" layout-wrap> 
    <div class="innersection" flex="25" flex-sm="100" flex-xs="100" layout="row"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting<br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 
    <div class="innersection" flex="25" flex-sm="100" flex-xs="100" layout="row"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 
    <div class="innersection" flex="25" flex-sm="100" flex-xs="100" layout="row"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting<br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 
    <div class="innersection" flex="25" flex-sm="100" flex-xs="100" layout="row"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 


.innersection { 
    background: #fff; padding:8px; border:1px solid; 

這裏的工作小提琴例如: http://jsfiddle.net/xjb0soLn/17/



添加'彎曲:auto'爲'.innersection'。 http://jsfiddle.net/xjb0soLn/18/ –


謝謝。但有沒有添加CSS樣式的解決方案,如添加flex =「auto」? – SatAj


我沒有很多Angular的經驗。也許別人可以幫助你。 –



我找到了解決辦法: http://jsfiddle.net/xjb0soLn/22/


<div layout-gt-sm="row" layout-wrap> 
    <div class="innersection" flex-gt-sm="25"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting<br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 
    <div class="innersection" flex-gt-sm="25"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 
    <div class="innersection" flex-gt-sm="25"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting<br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 
<div class="innersection" flex-gt-sm="25"> 
     Title <br/><br/> Description: 
     <br/> Manage your account, username and password setting 