test = abc
yada = blah
我寫了一個解析器函數來更新其B/C我的評論char是不是「#」「;」 - 所以parse_ini_file()抱怨。但這裏是我的快速&骯髒的解決方案:
function edit_ini_file ($fName, $fKey, $fVal) {
print"<h4>Search: $fKey = $fVal </h4>";
// declarations
$iniArray = array(); // new array in memory
$dataOut = ''; // datastream for output file
// temp cursor vars for looping & reporting
$verbose = 1;
$curSec = ''; // current section
$curKey = ''; // current key
$curVal = ''; // current value
$curLine=-1; // current line Number
if (isset($fName)) {
if (!is_file($fName)) return FALSE;
$lines = file($fName);
//read file as array of lines
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ($verbose) print '<br/>['.$curLine.'][IN:] '.$line;
//parse for k/v pairs, comments & section headings
if ( (strpos($line,$_headrChar)==1) // assume heading
|| (strpos($line,$_comntChar)==1) // assume comment
|| (!strpos($line,'=')) // also skip invalid k/v pairs
array_push($iniArray, $lines[$curLine]); //stuff the entire line into array.
if ($verbose) print " - no k/v";
} else { // assume valid k/v pair
//split k/v pairs & parse for match
$pair = explode('=', $line);
$curKey = trim($pair[0]);
$curVal = trim($pair[1]);
if ($verbose) print "[KV]: k=$curKey:v=$curVal";
if (trim($curKey) === trim($fkey)) { // <=== THE BUGGER: never returns true:
print ("MATCH: Replacing value in for key=$curKey in Section $curSec at line $curLine<br/>");
array_push ($iniArray, array($curKey => $fVal));
} else {
array_push ($iniArray, array($curKey => $curVal));
} //end-matcher
} //end-parser
} //end foreach
if (!$keyMatch) { //append new data to end
print "<br/>Key not Found. Appending! <br/>";
array_push ($iniArray, array($fKey => $fVal));
//reformat nested array as one long string for a single bulk-write to disk.
foreach($iniArray as $curSect => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach($val as $curKey => $curVal)
$dataOut .= "$curKey = $curVal\n";
} else { $dataOut .= "$val"; }
print "dataout:<pre>" .$dataOut. "</pre>";
//put file & pass return val
return (file_put_contents($filename, $dataOut)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
}//if isset
MY BUG:由於某種原因我比較努力的strcmp()或「==」或「===」似乎永遠不會工作...
if (trim($curKey) === trim($fkey)) { doSomething.. }
你知道['parse_ini_file()'](http://php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php),對不對? – Phil