2017-03-19 19 views

我發現zooming with minimap這個很好的例子,但它是寫在舊版本V3。我幾乎將其轉換爲v4,但d3.event存在問題。在第3版中,d3.event似乎在調用縮放的兩個元素之間共享縮放參數。所以,如果我縮放到主畫布,然後在小地圖上的畫布 - 在d3.event將有主畫布變焦d3.event的最後一個刻度值,它會與變焦不斷理所應當。但在v4中,這兩個d3縮放事件在某種程度上具有單獨的縮放或平移值。如文檔中所示:d3.js v4 minimap或如何在兩個元素上共享縮放?






大也感謝比爾白,誰在同一個線程張貼了他的最新文章 - D3 MINIMAP V4 UPDATE。該文章實際上是我在我的問題中發佈的示例的更新。





// .... 

var scale = 1; 
var minScale = .5; 
var maxScale = 7.5; 
var translation = [0, 0]; 

// .... 

// Used for both main canvas and minimap zoom 
var zoom = d3.zoom() 
    .on('zoom', zoomHandler); 

function zoomHandler(newScale) { 
    var prevScale = scale; 
    var previousTranslation = getXYFromTranslate(panCanvas.attr('transform')); 
    var isZoomEvent = d3.event && d3.event.sourceEvent.deltaY; 
    var isDragEvent = d3.event && (d3.event.sourceEvent.movementX || d3.event.sourceEvent.movementY); 

    if (isZoomEvent) { 
     scale = calculateNewScale(prevScale, d3.event.sourceEvent); 
     scale = checkScaleBounderies(scale); 

     var mousePosition = d3.mouse(this); 

     // Based on d3.js zoom algorythm 
     translation[0] = mousePosition[0] - ((mousePosition[0] - previousTranslation[0])/prevScale) * scale; 
     translation[1] = mousePosition[1] - ((mousePosition[1] - previousTranslation[1])/prevScale) * scale; 
    } else if (isDragEvent) { 
     translation[0] = previousTranslation[0] + d3.event.sourceEvent.movementX; 
     translation[1] = previousTranslation[1] + d3.event.sourceEvent.movementY; 
    } else if (newScale) { 
     scale = newScale; 

    // Apply the new dimensions to the main canvas 
    panCanvas.attr('transform', 'translate(' + translation + ') scale(' + scale + ')'); 

    // Apply the new dimensions to the minimap 

// Calculate the new scale value based on d3.js zoom formula 
function calculateNewScale(prevScale, event) { 
    return prevScale * Math.pow(2, -event.deltaY * (event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1)/500); 

// Check if scale has reached max or min 
function checkScaleBounderies(newScale) { 
    return Math.max(minScale, Math.min(maxScale, newScale)); 


function getXYFromTranslate(transform) { 
    // Create a dummy g for calculation purposes only. This will never 
    // be appended to the DOM and will be discarded once this function 
    // returns. 
    var g = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'); 

    // Set the transform attribute to the provided string value. 
    g.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', transform); 

    // consolidate the SVGTransformList containing all transformations 
    // to a single SVGTransform of type SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX and get 
    // its SVGMatrix. 
    var matrix = g.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix; 

    // As per definition values e and f are the ones for the translation. 
    return [matrix.e, matrix.f]; 