2010-03-23 64 views



#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <string.h> 

using namespace std; 

const int maxlist = 20; 

string adj1[maxlist], adj2[maxlist], noun[maxlist]; 

void defaultlist(int list) 
if(list == 1) 
    adj1[0] = "green"; 
    adj1[1] = "red"; 
    adj1[2] = "yellow"; 
    adj1[3] = "blue"; 
    adj1[4] = "purple"; 

    int i = 5; 
    while(i != maxlist) 
    adj1[i] = ""; 
    i = i + 1; 

if(list == 2) 
    adj2[0] = "shiny"; 
    adj2[1] = "hard"; 
    adj2[2] = "soft"; 
    adj2[3] = "spiky"; 
    adj2[4] = "furry"; 

    int i = 5; 
    while(i != maxlist) 
    adj2[i] = ""; 
    i = i + 1; 

if(list == 3) 
    noun[0] = "cat"; 
    noun[1] = "dog"; 
    noun[2] = "desk"; 
    noun[3] = "chair"; 
    noun[4] = "door"; 

    int i = 5; 
    while(i != maxlist) 
    noun[i] = ""; 
    i = i + 1; 

void printlist(int list) 
if(list == 1) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(i == maxlist)) 
    cout << adj1[i] << endl; 
    i = i + 1; 

if(list == 2) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(i == maxlist)) 
    cout << adj2[i] << endl; 
    i = i + 1; 

if(list == 3) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(i == maxlist)) 
    cout << noun[i] << endl; 
    i = i + 1; 

string makephrase() 
int num1 = rand()%maxlist; 
int num2 = rand()%maxlist; 
int num3 = rand()%maxlist; 
int num4 = rand()%1; 

string word1, word2, word3; 

if(num4 = 0) 
    word1 = adj1[num1]; 
    word2 = adj2[num2]; 
    word1 = adj2[num1]; 
    word2 = adj1[num2]; 

word3 = noun[num3]; 

return word1 + " ," + word2 + " " + word3; 

string addword(string word, int list) 
string result; 

if(list == 1) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(adj1[i] == "" || i == maxlist)) 
    i = i + 1; 

    if(i == maxlist) result = "List is full. Please try again."; 
    if(adj1[i] == "") 
    adj1[i] = word; 
    result = "Word was entered successfully."; 

if(list == 2) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(adj2[i] == "" || i == maxlist)) 
    i = i + 1; 

    if(i == maxlist) result = "List is full. Please try again."; 
    if(adj2[i] == "") 
    adj2[i] = word; 
    result = "Word was entered successfully."; 

if(list == 3) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(noun[i] == "" || i == maxlist)) 
    i = i + 1; 

    if(i == maxlist) result = "List is full. Please try again."; 
    if(noun[i] == "") 
    noun[i] = word; 
    result = "Word was entered successfully."; 
return result; 
string removeword(string word, int list) 
string result; 

if(list == 1) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(adj1[i] == word || i == maxlist)) 
    i = i + 1; 

    if(i == maxlist) result = "Word is not on the list. Please try again."; 
    if(adj1[i] == word) 
    adj1[i] = ""; 
    result = "Word was removed successfully."; 

    if(list == 2) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(adj2[i] == word || i == maxlist)) 
    i = i + 1; 

    if(i == maxlist) result = "Word is not on the list. Please try again."; 
    if(adj2[i] == word) 
    adj2[i] = ""; 
    result = "Word was removed successfully."; 

if(list == 3) 
    int i = 0; 
    while(!(noun[i] == word || i == maxlist)) 
    i = i + 1; 

    if(i == maxlist) result = "Word is not on the list. Please try again."; 
    if(noun[i] == word) 
    noun[i] = ""; 
    result = "Word was removed successfully."; 

return result; 


int main() 
string mainselection; 
string makeselection; 
string phrase; 


cout << "This program generates jargon phrases made of two adjectives and one noun,"; 
cout << " on three lists. Each list may contain a maximum of " << maxlist << "elements."; 
cout << " Please choose from the following menu by typing the appropriate number "; 
cout << "and pressing enter." << endl; 

cout << endl; 

cout << "1. Make a jargon phrase." << endl; 
cout << "2. View a list." << endl; 
cout << "3. Add a word to a list." << endl; 
cout << "4. Remove a word from a list." << endl; 
cout << "5. Restore default lists." << endl; 
cout << "More options coming soon!." << endl; 

cin >> mainselection 

if(mainselection == 1) 
    phrase = makephrase(); 

    cout << "Your phrase is " << phrase << "." << endl; 
    cout << "To make another phrase, press 1. To go back to the main menu,"; 
    cout << " press 2. To exit the program, press 3." << endl; 

    cin >> makeselection; 

    while(!(makeselection == "1" || makeselection == "2" || makeselection == "3")) 
    cout << "You have entered an invalid selection. Please try again." << endl; 
    cin >> makeselection; 

    while(makeselection == "1") 
    phrase = makephrase(); 
    cout << "To make another phrase, press 1. To go back to the main menu,"; 
    cout << " press 2. To exit the program, press 3." << endl; 

    if(makeselection == "2") main(); 
    if(makeselection == "3") return 0; 

return 0; 

//Rest of the options coming soon! 

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/799kze2z(VS.80).aspx – 2010-03-23 00:48:46


連接器抱怨什麼樣的缺失符號?什麼是確切的錯誤信息? – sth 2010-03-23 00:52:23



根據gcc的問題是,你還沒有宣佈正確包括爲rand()功能 - 我加#include <cstdlib>,問題就消失了。


cin >> mainselection; 
if (mainselection == 1) 

不工作。 Mainselection是一個字符串,只能通過類來比較比較方法,就像這樣:

cin >> mainselection; 
if (mainselection.compare("1")) 



您可以使用==比較C++中的字符串。但是你不能將一個字符串與一個int進行比較。所以'如果(mainselection ==「1」)'可以工作。 – mkj 2010-03-23 01:09:39



  • 行107:if(num4 = 0)(賦值運算符)應if(num4 == 0)(等於運算符)。
  • 260行:cin >> mainselection後面缺少分號。
  • 261行:if(mainselection == 1)是非法的,mainselectionstd::string
  • Line 284:if(makeselection == "2") main();您不允許在C++中遞歸調用main()函數。

我稍微軟化了你的答案。 OP也使用了一個編譯器。並非所有的編譯器消息最初都很明顯,有時甚至是有經驗的開發人員。 – 2010-03-23 01:10:41


這很好,但lnk2019是一個鏈接器錯誤,並且此代碼不能編譯。 – 2010-03-23 01:14:22
