2013-12-14 30 views


function changeColors(){ 
//get the numbers from the html 
var rd = parseInt(document.getElementById("red").value); 
var gr = parseInt(document.getElementById("green").value); 
var bl = parseInt(document.getElementById("blue").value); 
var op = parseFloat(document.getElementById("opacity").value); 

//convert the decimal into hexadecimal 

var rdhex = (rd < 16) ? "0" + rd.toString(16) : rd.toString(16); 
var grhex = (gr < 16) ? "0" + gr.toString(16) : gr.toString(16); 
var blhex = (bl < 16) ? "0" + bl.toString(16) : bl.toString(16); 

//concatenate all hex to generate a color 
var hexcode = "#" + rdhex + grhex + blhex; 

//view the change in the browser 
document.getElementById("div").style.backgroundColor = hexcode; 
document.getElementById("colordisplay").innerHTML = hexcode; 
//change opacity 
document.getElementById("div").style.opacity = op; 

function WriteCookie() 
if(document.myform.name.value == ""){ 
    alert("Enter some value!"); 

cookievalue= escape(document.myform.red.value) + ";" + 
    escape(document.myform.red.value)+ ";"+ 
    escape(document.myform.green.value)+ ";"+ 
    escape(document.myform.blue.value)+ ";"+ 
    escape(document.myform.opacity.value)+ ";"; 
document.cookie="color=" + cookievalue; 
alert("Setting Cookies : " + "color=" + cookievalue); 

// To revise!!!How do we set multiple values to one cookie? 
function ReadCookie() 
var allcookies = document.cookie; 
alert("All Cookies : " + allcookies); 

// Get all the cookies pairs in an array 
cookiearray = allcookies.split(';'); 

我需要存儲的名稱,RGB和不透明度在cookie中,這樣以後用戶可以從以前的選擇他管理自己的顏色。我的問題是如何將var hexcode和opacity與顏色的名稱一起存儲在cookie中?
