<div id="marqueeborder" onmouseover="pxptick=0" onmouseout="pxptick=scrollspeed">
<div id="marqueecontent">
// Original script by Walter Heitman Jr, first published on http://techblog.shanock.com
// List your stocks here, separated by commas, no spaces, in the order you want them displayed:
$stocks = "idt,iye,mill,pwer,spy,f,msft,x,sbux,sne,ge,dow,t";
// Function to copy a stock quote CSV from Yahoo to the local cache. CSV contains symbol, price, and change
function upsfile($stock) { copy("http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=$stock&f=sl1c1&e=.csv","stockcache/".$stock.".csv"); }
foreach (explode(",", $stocks) as $stock) {
// Where the stock quote info file should be...
$local_file = "stockcache/".$stock.".csv";
// ...if it exists. If not, download it.
if (!file_exists($local_file)) { upsfile($stock); }
// Else,If it's out-of-date by 15 mins (900 seconds) or more, update it.
elseif (filemtime($local_file) <= (time() - 900)) { upsfile($stock); }
// Open the file, load our values into an array...
$local_file = fopen ("stockcache/".$stock.".csv","r");
$stock_info = fgetcsv ($local_file, 1000, ",");
// ...format, and output them. I made the symbols into links to Yahoo's stock pages.
echo "<span class=\"stockbox\"><a href=\"http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=".$stock_info[0]."\">".$stock_info[0]."</a> ".sprintf("%.2f",$stock_info[1])." <span style=\"";
// Green prices for up, red for down
if ($stock_info[2]>=0) { echo "color: #009900;\">↑"; }
elseif ($stock_info[2]<0) { echo "color: #ff0000;\">↓"; }
echo sprintf("%.2f",abs($stock_info[2]))."</span></span>\n";
// Done!
<span class="stockbox" style="font-size:0.6em">Quotes from <a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/">Yahoo Finance</a></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Original script by Walter Heitman Jr, first published on http://techblog.shanock.com
// Set an initial scroll speed. This equates to the number of pixels shifted per tick
var scrollspeed=2;
var pxptick=scrollspeed;
function startmarquee(){
// Make a shortcut referencing our div with the content we want to scroll
var marqueediv=document.getElementById("marqueecontent");
// Get the total width of our available scroll area
var marqueewidth=document.getElementById("marqueeborder").offsetWidth;
// Get the width of the content we want to scroll
var contentwidth=marqueediv.offsetWidth;
// Start the ticker at 50 milliseconds per tick, adjust this to suit your preferences
// Be warned, setting this lower has heavy impact on client-side CPU usage. Be gentle.
var lefttime=setInterval("scrollmarquee()",50);
function scrollmarquee(){
// Check position of the div, then shift it left by the set amount of pixels.
if (parseInt(marqueediv.style.left)>(contentwidth*(-1)))
// If it's at the end, move it back to the right.
IAM時運行在服務器上的上面的代碼,得到的IAM JavaScript錯誤爲 「對象所需」 在線46還警告( 「marqueediv」 + marqueediv);是「marqueedivnull」之後,警報IAM得到的JavaScript錯誤。
這裏我的問題是,div標籤沒有被識別?爲什麼? 所以只有它變成空對象,我該如何解決這個問題?
'window.onload = startmarquee();'這會立即調用startmarquee函數並將返回值設置爲'window.onload'。你需要傳遞函數的參考。做到這一點,'window.onload = startmarquee'。另外,我建議你使用'console.log'來代替警報。這將有助於讓你的js編程更好:) – Jashwant