2012-07-23 88 views

我已經嘗試使用jUpgrade將Joomla中的網站從1.5遷移到2.5,但我收到了「未定義的遷移」錯誤。Joomla 1.5到2.5與Jupgrade。 「未定義的遷移錯誤」

"undefined migrating" error



**更新:2012-07-24 獲得更多信息,同時在調試模式下運行jupdate:

"========== [checks]


========== [cleanup]


========== [decompress]


========== [install_config]

========== [install_db]

========== [undefined] [undefined]

jos-Error: Table 'name_joomla.j25_users' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO j25_users (id , name , username , email , password , usertype , block , sendEmail , registerDate , lastvisitDate , activation , params) VALUES ('62','Administrator','admin','[email protected]','d7bfdb4f0aa91c9618b2969f4b91006e:jJzEVXG7VDz0u95RQu06CQPMFsxCic4e','Super Administrator','0','1','2011-12-16 14:37:40','2012-07-24 13:57:43','','{\"admin_language\":\"\",\"language\":\"\",\"editor\":\"\",\"helpsite\":\"\",\"timezone\":\"UTC\"}') "


去你的Joomla後端,然後去'幫助>>系統信息>>目錄權限',並確保提到的所有文件夾都是「可寫的」 – Lodder 2012-07-24 03:20:24


它看起來像很多人們都有同樣的問題... – SomeKittens 2012-07-24 03:23:46


我檢查了權限,一切都很好.. :(增加更多信息(從今天上午開始) – 2012-07-24 14:49:51



最後的工作 - 在這一點上 - 繼起@ wiki.redcomponent.com由第一解決方案除去所有的插件和重新安裝另一個版本(從2.5.1至2.5.2)

「遷移未定義」 或 「[未定義] [未定義]」

可能會出現這樣的情況,即在爲特定組件遷移數據時(和「啓用調試模式」)會顯示類似於「遷移未定義」或「[未定義] [未定義]」的錯誤。

一些原因和解決辦法包括: 正在由jUpgrade請求了migrate_xxx.php文件不可用或訪問

(這些文件都存儲在{}根/管理員/組件/ com_jupgrade /包括/文件夾中,標記爲「migrate_xxx.php」其中「xxx」是在時間正在傳送的內容的部分。)

To fix: uninstall and reinstall jUpgrade (to restore all required files) and try again.Get jupgrade 2.5.2 **

•從中內容正被傳輸的數據庫表損壞或已被修改 (jU pgrade要求任何修改已經到任何核心表本身的製作,否則•遷移運行到嘗試通過將內容複製到一個問題,遷移可以用自定義字段打交道時遇到問題)

To fix:download and install a maintenance component such as "Admin Tools!" and run a database integrity check and repair. Alternatively the database may have to be repaired manually using "phpmyadmin" or a similar interface. A solution for databases with custom fields is being looked into, but for the moment those must be migrated manually, or if they interfere with the migration, removed. (Of course a backup should be run before any such operation.)


To fix: remove all the tables created for the new Joomla! install during the migration and run jUpgrade again.


To fix:check in the Plugin Manager to ensure that any system plugins related to javascript libraries, apart from the "MooTools Upgrade" plugin (which is required) has been disabled and try running jUpgrade again. let's give up IE and try Chrome ;-)


好,對我來說workd的followng方式: 第一次嘗試後,安裝的Joomla 2.5與Jupgrade它stucked在遷移。我查看了mysql表,發現其中約15個是新的j25表。 所以我認爲它卡在某處,並再次嘗試在jupgrade組件中再次嘗試升級按鈕。它被卡住了,所以我查了一下mysql,看到新的10個表已經制成。所以我這次只是再試一次它的工作。它創建了所有的mysql表,並將joomla從1.5.26升級到2.5.2。 ony認爲我之前所做的是手動提取目標目錄中的joomla25.zip以進行新安裝,然後禁用了Jupgrade中的下載,解壓縮和檢查設置。 希望這適用於其他人:)