2013-04-07 44 views

看來最新的VLC(2.0.5; 32位和64位版本)不能做h264壓縮(雖然VP8和WMV2工作正常)。雖然沒有錯誤,但生成的文件幾乎是空的。這是一個已知的錯誤還是有人知道我做錯了什麼?我在下面給出了一個調試輸出,但它對我來說太神祕了。h264編解碼器在VLC 2.0.5

qt4 debug: MRL passed to the Sout: file:///C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi 
qt4 warning: Transcode MRL: sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst='C:\Users\me\Videos\finaltest.mp4'} 
qt4 debug: Adding option: file-caching=300 
qt4 debug: Adding option: sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst='C:\Users\me\Videos\finaltest.mp4'} 
main debug: adding item `Streaming' (file:///C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi) 
qt4 debug: Adding a new MRL to recent ones: file:///C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi 
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist 
main debug: rebuild done - 2 items, index 0 
main debug: processing request item: Streaming, node: Playlist, skip: 0 
main debug: resyncing on Streaming 
main debug: Streaming is at 1 
main debug: starting playback of the new playlist item 
main debug: resyncing on Streaming 
main debug: Streaming is at 1 
main debug: creating new input thread 
main debug: Creating an input for 'Streaming' 
main debug: using sout chain=`transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst='C:\Users\me\Videos\finaltest.mp4'}' 
main debug: stream=`std' 
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate 
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-access to file 
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-mux to mp4 
main debug: set config option: sout-standard-dst to C:\Users\me\Videos\finaltest.mp4 
main debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate 
access_output_file debug: file access output opened (C:\Users\me\Videos\finaltest.mp4) 
main debug: using sout access module "access_output_file" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.413 ms - Total 2.413 ms/1 intvls (Avg 2.413 ms) 
main debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate 
mux_mp4 debug: Mp4 muxer opened 
main debug: using sout mux module "mux_mp4" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.131 ms - Total 1.131 ms/1 intvls (Avg 1.131 ms) 
stream_out_standard debug: using `file/mp4://C:\Users\me\Videos\finaltest.mp4' 
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 5.368 ms - Total 5.368 ms/1 intvls (Avg 5.368 ms) 
main debug: stream=`transcode' 
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-vcodec to h264 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-vb to 0 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-scale to 0 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-acodec to mp3 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-ab to 128 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-channels to 2 
main debug: set config option: sout-transcode-samplerate to 44100 
stream_out_transcode debug: codec audio=mp3 44100Hz 2 channels 128Kb/s 
stream_out_transcode debug: codec video=h264 0x0 scaling: 0.000000 0kb/s 
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_transcode" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 4.629 ms - Total 4.629 ms/1 intvls (Avg 4.629 ms) 
main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path 'C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp' 
main debug: `file:///C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' gives access `file' demux `' path `/C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' 
main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='' location='/C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' file='C:\Users\me\Videos\vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' 
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 3 candidates 
main debug: no access_demux module matching "file" could be loaded 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.496 ms - Total 0.496 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.496 ms) 
main debug: creating access 'file' location='/C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi', path='C:\Users\me\Videos\vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' 
main debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates 
filesystem debug: opening file `C:\Users\me\Videos\vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' 
main debug: using access module "filesystem" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.432 ms - Total 0.432 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.432 ms) 
main debug: Using stream method for AStream* 
main debug: starting pre-buffering 
main debug: received first data after 0 ms 
main debug: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes in 0s - 16393 KiB/s 
main debug: looking for stream_filter module: 4 candidates 
main debug: no stream_filter module matching "any" could be loaded 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.161 ms - Total 0.161 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.161 ms) 
main debug: looking for stream_filter module: 1 candidate 
main debug: using stream_filter module "stream_filter_record" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.133 ms - Total 0.133 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.133 ms) 
main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='' location='/C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' file='C:\Users\me\Videos\vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' 
main debug: looking for demux module: 55 candidates 
avi debug: 
avi debug: 
avi debug: 
avi debug: 
avi debug: 
avi debug: 
avi debug: 
avi debug: skipping movi chunk 
avi debug: 
avi debug: * LIST-root size:142188528 pos:0 
avi debug:  + RIFF-AVI size:142188520 pos:0 
avi debug:  | + LIST-hdrl size:10208 pos:12 
avi debug:  | | + avih size:56 pos:24 
avi debug:  | | + LIST-strl size:116 pos:88 
avi debug:  | | | + strh size:56 pos:100 
avi debug:  | | | + strf size:40 pos:164 
avi debug:  | | + LIST-strl size:94 pos:212 
avi debug:  | | | + strh size:56 pos:224 
avi debug:  | | | + strf size:18 pos:288 
avi debug:  | | + JUNK size:9906 pos:314 
avi debug:  | + LIST-movi size:142176764 pos:10228 
avi debug:  | + idx1 size:1520 pos:142187000 
avi debug: stream[0] rate:4997 scale:1000 samplesize:0 
avi debug: stream[0] video(YUY2) 1920x1080 24bpp 4.997000fps 
main debug: selecting program id=0 
avi debug: stream[1] rate:176372 scale:4 samplesize:4 
avi debug: stream[1] audio(0x1 -) 2 channels 44100Hz 16bits 
main debug: Creating an input for 'Streaming' 
avi debug: selected standard index for stream[0] 
avi debug: selected standard index for stream[1] 
avi debug: stream[0] created 34 index entries 
avi debug: stream[1] created 61 index entries 
avi debug: stream[0] length:6 (based on index) 
avi debug: stream[1] length:6 (based on index) 
main debug: using demux module "avi" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.590 ms - Total 2.590 ms/1 intvls (Avg 2.590 ms) 
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in C:\Users\me\Videos\ 
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 21 candidates 
main debug: using packetizer module "rawvideo" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.643 ms - Total 0.643 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.643 ms) 
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 21 candidates 
qt4 debug: IM: Setting an input 
main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_copy" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 5.806 ms - Total 5.806 ms/1 intvls (Avg 5.806 ms) 
main debug: starting in sync mode 
main debug: looking for meta reader module: 2 candidates 
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\reader 
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\reader 
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\reader\filename.luac 
main debug: no fetch required for (null) (art currently (null)) 
main debug: no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 2.885 ms - Total 2.885 ms/1 intvls (Avg 2.885 ms) 
main debug: `file:///C:/Users/me/Videos/vlc-record-2013-04-07-11h41m28s-dshow___-.avi' successfully opened 
main debug: Buffering 0% 
main debug: switching to async mode 
main debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:000000000399d820) 
stream_out_transcode debug: creating video transcoding from fcc=`YUY2' to fcc=`h264' 
main debug: Buffering 8% 
main debug: looking for decoder module: 32 candidates 
main debug: using decoder module "rawvideo" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 4.216 ms - Total 4.216 ms/1 intvls (Avg 4.216 ms) 
main debug: looking for encoder module: 13 candidates 
x264 debug: version x264 0.129.X 
main debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:00000000039f4610) 
main debug: Buffering 16% 
main debug: Buffering 25% 
main debug: Buffering 33% 
main debug: Buffering 41% 
main debug: Buffering 50% 
main debug: Buffering 58% 
main debug: Buffering 66% 
main debug: using encoder module "x264" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 9.890 ms - Total 9.890 ms/1 intvls (Avg 9.890 ms) 
main debug: removing module "x264" 
x264 debug: framecount still in libx264 buffer: 0 
main debug: Buffering 75% 
main debug: Buffering 83% 
main debug: Buffering 91% 
main debug: Buffering 100% 
main debug: Stream buffering done (325 ms in 27 ms) 
stream_out_transcode debug: creating audio transcoding from fcc=`s16l' to fcc=`mp3 ' 
main debug: looking for decoder module: 32 candidates 
araw debug: samplerate:44100Hz channels:2 bits/sample:16 
main debug: using decoder module "araw" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.111 ms - Total 0.111 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.111 ms) 
main debug: looking for encoder module: 13 candidates 
avcodec debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 0x361e00) 
avcodec debug: found encoder MPEG I/II Layer 3 
main debug: using encoder module "avcodec" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 4.349 ms - Total 4.349 ms/1 intvls (Avg 4.349 ms) 
stream_out_transcode debug: Looking for filter (s16l->s32l, channels 2->2, rate 44100->44100) 
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 13 candidates 
audio_format debug: s16l->f32l, bits per sample: 16->32 
main debug: using audio filter module "audio_format" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.094 ms - Total 0.094 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.094 ms) 
main debug: Filter 'audio_format' (0000000003952fc8) appended to chain 
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 13 candidates 
audio_format debug: f32l->s32l, bits per sample: 32->32 
main debug: using audio filter module "audio_format" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.062 ms - Total 0.062 ms/1 intvls (Avg 0.062 ms) 
main debug: Filter 'audio_format' (0000000003954c38) appended to chain 
stream_out_transcode debug: Got complete audio filter chain 
main debug: adding a new input 
mux_mp4 debug: adding input 
main debug: Decoder buffering done in 5 ms 
stream_out_transcode debug: decoder aspect is 1.777778:1 
stream_out_transcode debug: source pixel aspect is 1.000000:1 
stream_out_transcode debug: scaled pixel aspect is 1.000000:1 
stream_out_transcode debug: source 1920x1080, destination 1920x1080 
stream_out_transcode debug: encoder aspect is 1920:1080 
main debug: looking for video filter2 module: 18 candidates 
swscale debug: 1920x1080 chroma: YUY2 -> 1920x1080 chroma: I420 with scaling using Bicubic (good quality) 
main debug: using video filter2 module "swscale" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.038 ms - Total 1.038 ms/1 intvls (Avg 1.038 ms) 
main debug: Filter 'Swscale' (00000000039537e8) appended to chain 
stream_out_transcode debug: destination (after video filters) 1920x1080 
main debug: looking for encoder module: 13 candidates 
x264 debug: version x264 0.129.X 
main debug: using encoder module "x264" 
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 6.441 ms - Total 6.441 ms/1 intvls (Avg 6.441 ms) 
main debug: adding a new input 
mux_mp4 debug: adding input 
avi warning: cannot get packet header, track disabled 
main debug: EOF reached 
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty 
main debug: finished input 
main debug: removing module "rawvideo" 
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `YUY2', 0 PES in FIFO 
main debug: removing a sout input (sout_input:000000000399d820) 
main debug: TIMER encoding video frame : 416.026 ms - Total 531.820 ms/35 intvls (Avg 15.195 ms) 
main debug: removing module "rawvideo" 
main debug: removing module "x264" 
x264 debug: framecount still in libx264 buffer: 34 
main debug: Filter 00000000039537e8 removed from chain 
main debug: removing module "swscale" 
mux_mp4 debug: removing input 
main debug: removing module "packetizer_copy" 
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `s16l', 0 PES in FIFO 
main debug: removing a sout input (sout_input:00000000039f4610) 
main debug: TIMER encoding audio frame : 0.000 ms - Total 330.062 ms/537 intvls (Avg 0.615 ms) 
main debug: removing module "araw" 
main debug: removing module "avcodec" 
main debug: Filter 0000000003952fc8 removed from chain 
main debug: removing module "audio_format" 
main debug: Filter 0000000003954c38 removed from chain 
main debug: removing module "audio_format" 
mux_mp4 debug: removing input 
main warning: no more input streams for this mux 
main debug: removing module "avi" 
main debug: removing module "stream_filter_record" 
main debug: removing module "filesystem" 
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES 
main debug: dead input 
main debug: destroying useless sout 
main debug: destroying chain... (name=transcode) 
main debug: removing module "stream_out_transcode" 
main debug: destroying chain done 
main debug: destroying chain... (name=std) 
main debug: removing module "stream_out_standard" 
main debug: removing module "mux_mp4" 
mux_mp4 debug: Close 
mux_mp4 debug: movie duration 0s 
mux_mp4 debug: created 0 chunks (stco) 
mux_mp4 debug: created 0 chunks (stco) 
main debug: removing module "access_output_file" 
access_output_file debug: file access output closed 
main debug: destroying chain done 
main debug: changing item without a request (current 1/2) 
main debug: nothing to play 
qt4 debug: IM: Deleting the input 
main debug: TIMER input launching for 'Streaming' : 36.462 ms - Total 36.462 ms/1 intvls (Avg 36.462 ms) 
