2010-04-14 51 views


namespace Utilities 
    public class IdentityNumber 
     public enum PersonGender 
      Female = 0, 
      Male = 5 

     public enum PersonCitizenship 
      SouthAfrican = 0, 
      Foreign = 1 

     static Regex _expression; 
     Match _match; 
     const string _IDExpression = @"(?<Year>[0-9][0-9])(?<Month>([0][1-9])|([1][0-2]))(?<Day>([0-2][0-9])|([3][0-1]))(?<Gender>[0-9])(?<Series>[0-9]{3})(?<Citizenship>[0-9])(?<Uniform>[0-9])(?<Control>[0-9])"; 

     static IdentityNumber() 
      _expression = new Regex(_IDExpression, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); 

     public IdentityNumber(string IDNumber) 
      _match = _expression.Match(IDNumber.Trim()); 

     public DateTime DateOfBirth 
       if(IsUsable == false) 
        throw new ArgumentException("ID Number is unusable!", "IDNumber"); 
       int year = int.Parse(_match.Groups["Year"].Value); 

       // NOTE: Do not optimize by moving these to static, otherwise the calculation may be incorrect 
       // over year changes, especially century changes. 
       int currentCentury = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(0, 2) + "00"); 
       int lastCentury = currentCentury - 100; 
       int currentYear = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2)); 

       // If the year is after or at the current YY, then add last century to it, otherwise add 
       // this century. 
       // TODO: YY -> YYYY logic needs thinking about 
       if(year > currentYear) 
        year += lastCentury; 
        year += currentCentury; 
       return new DateTime(year, int.Parse(_match.Groups["Month"].Value), int.Parse(_match.Groups["Day"].Value)); 

     public PersonGender Gender 
       if(IsUsable == false) 
        throw new ArgumentException("ID Number is unusable!", "IDNumber"); 
       int gender = int.Parse(_match.Groups["Gender"].Value); 
       if(gender < (int) PersonGender.Male) 
        return PersonGender.Female; 
        return PersonGender.Male; 

     public PersonCitizenship Citizenship 
       if(IsUsable == false) 
        throw new ArgumentException("ID Number is unusable!", "IDNumber"); 
       return (PersonCitizenship) Enum.Parse(typeof(PersonCitizenship), _match.Groups["Citizenship"].Value); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Indicates if the IDNumber is usable or not. 
     /// </summary> 
     public bool IsUsable 
       return _match.Success; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Indicates if the IDNumber is valid or not. 
     /// </summary> 
     public bool IsValid 
       if(IsUsable == true) 
        // Calculate total A by adding the figures in the odd positions i.e. the first, third, fifth, 
        // seventh, ninth and eleventh digits. 
        int a = int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(0, 1)) + int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(2, 1)) + int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(4, 1)) + int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(6, 1)) + int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(8, 1)) + int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(10, 1)); 

        // Calculate total B by taking the even figures of the number as a whole number, and then 
        // multiplying that number by 2, and then add the individual figures together. 
        int b = int.Parse(_match.Value.Substring(1, 1) + _match.Value.Substring(3, 1) + _match.Value.Substring(5, 1) + _match.Value.Substring(7, 1) + _match.Value.Substring(9, 1) + _match.Value.Substring(11, 1)); 
        b *= 2; 
        string bString = b.ToString(); 
        b = 0; 
        for(int index = 0; index < bString.Length; index++) 
         b += int.Parse(bString.Substring(index, 1)); 

        // Calculate total C by adding total A to total B. 
        int c = a + b; 

        // The control-figure can now be determined by subtracting the ones in figure C from 10. 
        string cString = c.ToString() ; 
        cString = cString.Substring(cString.Length - 1, 1) ; 
        int control = 0; 

        // Where the total C is a multiple of 10, the control figure will be 0. 
        if(cString != "0") 
         control = 10 - int.Parse(cString.Substring(cString.Length - 1, 1)); 

        if(_match.Groups["Control"].Value == control.ToString()) 
         return true; 

       return false; 



順便說一句,你可以像'如果(!IsUsable){}' – abatishchev 2010-04-14 07:07:33


DAH如果-子句中使用布爾...我無法應付'(fooBoolean == true/false)':) – 2010-04-14 07:09:30




var someNumber = new IdentityNumber("123456"); 


Console.WriteLine (someNumber.DateOfBirth); 
Console.WriteLine (someNumber.Gender); 
Console.WriteLine (someNumber.Citizenship); 
Console.WriteLine (someNumber.IsValid); 
Console.WriteLine (someNumber.IsUsable); 

然後我得到的類型或名稱空間身份號碼無法找到是你缺少一個使用指令或程序集引用。我已將default.aspx.cs頁面中的代碼添加到問題中,以供您查看。非常感謝 – Phil 2010-04-14 07:11:55


這可能是因爲IdentityNumber類位於不同的命名空間中,因此您使用該類的類的名稱空間不同。 因此,添加一個'使用Utilities.SouthAfrica'。 – 2010-04-14 07:41:39


感謝弗雷德裏克的幫助 – Phil 2010-04-14 08:44:04

IdentityNumber number = new IdentityNumber("123456"); 


IdentityNumber someNumber = new IdentityNumber("006834"); 