public static void main(String[] args){
// stores an array of integers
int [] myArray = {0,1,2,3};
// assuming the length of array is n
int n = myArray.length;
// counter variables
int i,c;
// starting from array index 0 to the length of the array
c = 1;
while(((i+c)<n) && (myArray[i]<myArray[i+c])){
System.out.println("index value..."+i+", myArray value..."+myArray[i]+", number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current..."+(c-1));
index value...0, myArray value...0, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...3
index value...1, myArray value...1, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...2
index value...2, myArray value...2, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...1
index value...3, myArray value...3, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
int [] myArray = {10,9,8};
index value...0, myArray value...10, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
index value...1, myArray value...9, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
index value...2, myArray value...8, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
int [] myArray = {1,1,1};
index value...0, myArray value...1, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
index value...1, myArray value...1, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
index value...2, myArray value...1, number of items in array with index greater than current with values greater than current...0
@bananamana這麼說,你爲什麼不嘗試弄清楚自己?例如。嘗試運行它? – 2011-01-28 02:04:50
注意詳細說明3參數output()函數的作用? – 2011-01-28 02:07:56