2016-04-15 80 views

我正在處理Haskell中的依賴類型程序的一個示例,我想「重寫」一個在singletons庫中定義的命題相等類型a :~: b的證據。Haskell中的依賴類型編程的更多問題

更具體地說,我有一個數據類型來表示正則表達式成員的證據。我的麻煩是如何處理兩個正則表達式串聯的證據。在我的代碼中,我有一個名爲InRegExp xs e的GADT,它表示xs是使用正則表達式e的語言。對於級聯,我有以下構造函數:

InCat :: InRegExp xs l -> InRegExp ys r -> 
     (zs :~: xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs (Cat l r) 


inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) (Cat e e') -> (InRegExp xs e , InRegExp ys e') 
inCatInv (InCat p p' Refl) = (p , p') 


Could not deduce (xs1 ~ xs) 
    from the context ('Cat e e' ~ 'Cat l r) 
     bound by a pattern with constructor 
      InCat :: forall (zs :: [Nat]) 
          (xs :: [Nat]) 
          (l :: RegExp [Nat]) 
          (ys :: [Nat]) 
          (r :: RegExp [Nat]). 
         InRegExp xs l 
         -> InRegExp ys r -> zs :~: (xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs ('Cat l r), 
      in an equation for ‘inCatInv’ 
    at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:11-25 
or from ((xs ++ ys) ~ (xs1 ++ ys1)) 
    bound by a pattern with constructor 
      Refl :: forall (k :: BOX) (b :: k). b :~: b, 
      in an equation for ‘inCatInv’ 
    at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:22-25 
    ‘xs1’ is a rigid type variable bound by 
     a pattern with constructor 
      InCat :: forall (zs :: [Nat]) 
          (xs :: [Nat]) 
          (l :: RegExp [Nat]) 
          (ys :: [Nat]) 
          (r :: RegExp [Nat]). 
        InRegExp xs l 
        -> InRegExp ys r -> zs :~: (xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs ('Cat l r), 
     in an equation for ‘inCatInv’ 
     at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:11 
    ‘xs’ is a rigid type variable bound by 
     the type signature for 
     inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) ('Cat e e') 
        -> (InRegExp xs e, InRegExp ys e') 
     at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:43:13 
Expected type: InRegExp xs e 
    Actual type: InRegExp xs1 l 
Relevant bindings include 
    p :: InRegExp xs1 l 
    (bound at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:17) 
    inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) ('Cat e e') 
       -> (InRegExp xs e, InRegExp ys e') 
    (bound at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:1) 
In the expression: p 
In the expression: (p, p') 




你遇到的問題是非內射類型的家庭。不幸的是,這並沒有真正簡單的方法。本質上,你有'(xs ++ ys)〜(xs'++ ys')' - 記住構造函數中的xs和ys是存在量化的,所以它們會產生新的類型變量 - 編譯器無法推斷出'xs〜xs''和'ys〜ys''。你不需要使用命題平等,你需要有一個歸納證明'xs ++ ys = zs' - 我猜'inCatInv'也必須是遞歸的。 – user2407038


這看起來根本不可能:在類型級別,'[] ++ [x]'與'[x] ++ []'沒有區別,因此'inCatInv'的類型本質上是不明確的。更確切地說,無論_calls_'inCatInv'誰選擇'xs,ys',唯一的約束是'xs ++ ys'與'InRegExp'類型中的列表相同。所以,'inCatInv'類型向_caller_保證是可以的,它可以將'zs'以任何可能的方式分割爲'xs ++ ys'(調用者的選擇),這不是它真正做的(也不是它打算做什麼,AFAICS)。 – chi


你的引理看起來不正確。 'InRegexp(「ab」++「c」)(Cat「a」「bc」)'不暗示'InRegexp「ab」「a」'。 –



在Haskell中編寫依賴類型程序最簡單的方法是先寫入Agda,然後用Sing x -> b替換(x : A) -> B。但是,我們可以使用Proxy而不是Sing,因爲我們確信我們不需要使用值進行計算。


appendEmpty :: Sing xs -> Proxy ys -> (xs :++ ys) :~: '[] -> (xs :~: '[], ys :~: '[]) 
appendEmpty SNil   ys eq = (Refl, eq) 
appendEmpty (SCons x xs) ys eq = case eq of {} 



{-# language 
    TemplateHaskell, UndecidableInstances, LambdaCase, EmptyCase, 
    DataKinds, PolyKinds, GADTs, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, 
    TypeOperators #-} 

import Data.Singletons.Prelude 
import Data.Singletons.TH 
import Data.Proxy 

$(singletons [d| 
    data Regex c 
    = Sym c 
    | Cat (Regex c) (Regex c) 
    | Choice (Regex c) (Regex c) 
    | Star (Regex c) 
    | Eps 
    deriving (Show) 

appendEmpty :: Sing xs -> Proxy ys -> (xs :++ ys) :~: '[] -> (xs :~: '[], ys :~: '[]) 
appendEmpty SNil   ys eq = (Refl, eq) 
appendEmpty (SCons x xs) ys eq = case eq of {} 

data InRegex :: [c] -> Regex c -> * where 
    InEps :: InRegex '[] Eps 
    InSym :: InRegex '[c] (Sym c) 
    InCat :: Sing xs -> InRegex xs l -> InRegex ys r -> InRegex (xs :++ ys) (Cat l r) 
    InLeft :: InRegex xs l -> InRegex xs (Choice l r) 
    InRight :: InRegex ys r -> InRegex ys (Choice l r) 
    InStar :: InRegex xs (Choice Eps (Cat r (Star r))) -> InRegex xs (Star r) 

hasEmpty :: Sing r -> Either (InRegex '[] r) (InRegex '[] r -> Void) 
hasEmpty (SSym _) = Right (\case {}) 
hasEmpty (SCat l r) = case hasEmpty l of 
    Left inl -> case hasEmpty r of 
    Left inr -> Left (InCat SNil inl inr) 
    Right notInr -> Right 
     (\(InCat xs inl (inr :: InRegex ys r)) -> case appendEmpty xs (Proxy :: Proxy ys) Refl of 
      (Refl, Refl) -> notInr inr) 
    Right notInl -> Right 
    (\(InCat xs inl (inr :: InRegex ys r)) -> case appendEmpty xs (Proxy :: Proxy ys) Refl of 
     (Refl, Refl) -> notInl inl) 
hasEmpty (SChoice l r) = case hasEmpty l of 
    Left inl  -> Left (InLeft inl) 
    Right notInl -> case hasEmpty r of 
    Left inr  -> Left (InRight inr) 
    Right notInr -> Right (\case 
     InLeft inl -> notInl inl 
     InRight inr -> notInr inr) 
hasEmpty (SStar r) = Left (InStar (InLeft InEps)) 
hasEmpty SEps = Left InEps