我已經編寫了一個在我本地測試時完美工作的shell腳本。CakePHP shell腳本不會作爲cron作業運行
bin/cake myshell method
Welcome to CakePHP v3.1.4 Console
App : src
Path: /home/fantastagram/public_html/src/
PHP : 5.6.16
Current Paths:
* app: src
* root: /home/fantastagram/public_html
* core: /home/fantastagram/public_html/vendor/cakephp/cakephp
Available Shells:
[Migrations] migrations
[CORE] i18n, orm_cache, plugin, routes, server
[app] console, instagram
To run an app or core command, type `cake shell_name [args]`
To run a plugin command, type `cake Plugin.shell_name [args]`
To get help on a specific command, type `cake shell_name --help`
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
看來,該腳本的兩個參數被忽略。我使用cron作業工具中的cPanel ...