我使用以下語法引用與批處理腳本位於同一文件夾中的其他文件: CALL%0 .. \ SecondBatch.cmd並且適用於Windows 2003服務器,但不與2008服務器一起使用。任何想法都是值得歡迎的Rafer to the other batch in the same folder in 2008 2008
您是否以Admin啓動腳本(這會將目錄更改爲system32)?嘗試使用: "%~dpfs0\SecondBatch.cmd"
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
rem This is first.cmd , Let's call second.cmd
call "%~dp0\second.cmd"
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
rem This is first.cmd , Let's call second.cmd
call :getScriptPath folder
call "%folder%\second.cmd"
exit /b
:getScriptPath returnVar
set "%~1=%~dp0"
goto :EOF
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當跑蝙蝠「CALL%〜dpf0 \ .. \ SecondBatch.cmd」得到這個錯誤 - 不被識別爲內部或外部命令 – user3041480
嘗試與'調用「」%〜dpfs0 \ SecondBatch.cmd「」' – npocmaka
仍然沒有 - :(( – user3041480