文件,而不必在每個文件上手動運行該命令。從來沒有真正用批處理文件工作過多,我有點煩惱!任何人都可以指出我正確的方向,爲什麼這不起作用?修復Vmware VMDK文件的批處理文件
set /p WMWorkstationDir = Enter the directory of the VmWare Workstation install, and press enter;
set /p VMFolderToFix = Enter the directory where the VMDK files live that you wish to repair, and press enter;
Rem this is to set up working names in the batch file for the directories specified, helping abstract it
cd VMFolderToFix
for %%X in (*.vmdk) do WMWorkstationDir vmware-vdiskmanager -R
Rem trying to get the repair command to run on all the vmdk files in the target location
爲什麼不工作? – kkuilla 2014-09-23 10:47:15