2013-10-28 89 views



#include <iostream> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
using namespace std; 

template <class T> 
class OpenHash 
vector <T> hashTab; 
vector <int> emptyCheck; 
int hashF(string); 

int getVectorCap(); 
int addRecord (T); 
int sizeHash(); 
int find(T); 
int printHash(); 
int deleteEntry(T); 


template <class T> 
OpenHash<T>::OpenHash(int vecSize) 
     for (int i=0; i < emptyCheck.capacity(); i++) 
     emptyCheck.at(i) = 0; 


template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::getVectorCap() 

int cap = hashTab.capacity(); 
int capE = emptyCheck.capacity(); 
cout << cap << capE; 
return 0; 

template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::hashF (string key) 
int ascii = 0, hasVal = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); i++) 
      ascii += key[i]; 
hasVal = ascii % hashTab.capacity(); 
return hasVal; 

template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::addRecord(T key) 
if (sizeHash() == emptyCheck.size()) 
    cout << "Your hash table is full cannot add any more records" << endl; 

    bool findPos = false; 

    for (int j=0; j<hashTab.capacity(); j++) 
     if (hashTab.at(j) == key) 
      cout << "Element ready exists in hashtable" << endl; 
      return 0; 

    int hashVal = hashF(key); 

     for (int i=hashVal; i<emptyCheck.capacity(); i++) 
      if (emptyCheck.at(i) == 0) 
       hashTab.at(i) = key; 
       emptyCheck.at(i) = 1; 
       cout << "Element added at" << '[' << i << ']' << endl; 
       findPos = true; 
       return 0; 
       cout << "Collision probing through..." << endl; 

     if (findPos == false) 

      for (int x=0; x<emptyCheck.capacity(); x++) 
       if (emptyCheck.at(x) == 0) 
        hashTab.at(x) = key; 
        emptyCheck.at(x) = 1; 
        cout << "Element added at" << '[' << x << ']' << endl; 
        return 0; 
     cout << "Element could not be added" << endl; 


return 1; 

template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::sizeHash() 
int elementsFilled = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i<emptyCheck.capacity(); i++) 
      if (emptyCheck.at(i) != 0) 

return elementsFilled; 


template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::find(T key) 
int hashVal = hashF(key); 
bool findLoop = false; 

for (int i=hashVal; i < hashTab.capacity(); i++) 

     if (hashTab.at(i) == key && emptyCheck.at(i) == 1) 
      cout << "Element found at position: " << '[' << i << ']' << endl; 
      cout << key << endl; 
      findLoop = true; 
      return 0; 

      cout << "Element not found at position! Probing through..." << endl; 


     if (findLoop == false) 

      for (int j = 0; j < hashTab.capacity(); j++) 

       if (hashTab.at(j) == key && emptyCheck.at(j) != 0) 
        cout << "Element found at position: " << '[' << j << ']' << endl; 
        cout << key << endl; 
        findLoop = true; 
        return 0; 

     cout << "Entry not found" << endl; 
return 1; 


template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::deleteEntry(T toDel) 
int hashVal = hashF(toDel); 
bool foundDel = false; 

    for (int i = hashVal; i<hashTab.capacity(); i++) 
     if (hashTab.at(i) == toDel) 
      emptyCheck.at(i) = 0; 
      foundDel = true; 
      cout << "Entry deleted!" << endl; 
      return 0; 

     if (foundDel == false) 
      for (int j=0; j<hashTab.capacity(); j++) 
       if (hashTab.at(j) == toDel) 
        emptyCheck.at(j) = 0; 
        foundDel = true; 
        cout << "Entry deleted!" << endl; 
        return 0; 


     cout << "The member to delete was not found" << endl; 

return 1; 

template <class T> 
int OpenHash<T>::printHash() 
if (sizeHash() == 0) 
    cout << "No elements filled to print!" << endl; 

    for (int i=0; i<emptyCheck.capacity(); i++) 
     if (emptyCheck.at(i) != 0) 
       cout << "Record at:" << '[' << i << ']' << hashTab.at(i) << endl; 
return 0; 

int main() 
    cout << "Please input the size of your HashTable" << endl; 
    int vecSize = 0; 
    cin >> vecSize; 
    OpenHash<string> newTable(vecSize); 

bool menu = true; 
char choice; 
while (menu == true)  
    cout << "Welcome to the open address hash table program, please input your choice:" << endl; 
    cin >> choice; 

     if (choice == 'a') 
      cout << "Please type in the record you wish to add:" << endl; 
      string rec; 
      getline(cin, rec); 
     if (choice == 's') 
      cout << "Number of elements filled: " << newTable.sizeHash() << endl; 
     if (choice == 'f') 
      cout << "Please enter the string you wish to find" << endl; 
      string key; 
      getline(cin, key) 
     if (choice == 'p') 
      cout << "Printing table..." << endl; 

     if (choice == 'd') 
      cout << "Please input the item you wish to delete:" << endl; 
      string toDel; 
      getline(cin, toDel) 

     if (choice == 'x') 
      cout << "Thankyou" << endl; 
      menu = false; 

return 0; 

類型不傳遞給構造函數; *參數*(當然,它們具有類型,但在語言意義上它們本身不是「類型」)。顯示您現有的代碼將比您告訴我們更多的清晰度。這聽起來像是你有一個可由用戶選擇的可配置類型庫,但這純粹是沒有任何支持的猜測。 – WhozCraig


請顯示代碼! –





template<typename T> 
class MyTemplateClass { ... }; 

class template MyTemplateClass<int>; 
class template MyTemplateClass<double>; 
class template MyTemplateClass<char>; 

int main() 
    // if user wants to create a new int version: 
    MyTemplate<int> myInt; 
    // etc ... 
    return 0; 