#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void calcheatIndex (float temp, float humidity); // function to execute HI formula
void inputWeather (float temp, float humidity); // function to get data from user
bool moreTemps(); // ask if user wants to calculate more
void temptype(); // F or C
int main() {
float temp = 0;
float humidity = 0;
float heatIndex;
inputWeather(temp, humidity);
calcheatIndex (temp, humidity);
return 0;
void inputWeather(float temp, float humidity) {
cout << "Enter temperature: ";
cin >> temp;
cout << "Enter humidity: ";
cin >> humidity;
while (humidity <= 0) {
cout << "Humidity should be greater than 0. ";
cin >> humidity;
bool moreTemps() {
string answer;
cout << "Calculate another (Y/N) ? ";
cin >> answer;
while (answer != "Y" && answer != "y"
&& answer != "N" && answer != "n") {
cout << "Answer Y/N : ";
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "Y" || answer == "y") {
return true;
return false;
void calcheatIndex (float temp, float humidity) {
const double c1 = -42.379;
const double c2 = 2.04901523;
const double c3 = 10.14333127;
const double c4 = -.22475541;
const double c5 = -0.00683783;
const double c6 = -0.05481717;
const double c7 = 0.00122874;
const double c8 = 0.00085282;
const double c9 = -0.00000199;
double heatIndex = c1 + (c2 * temp) +
(c3 * humidity) +
(c4 * temp*humidity) +
(c5 * (temp*temp)) +
(c6 * (humidity * humidity)) +
(c7 * (temp * temp) * humidity) +
(c8 * temp * (humidity * humidity)) +
(c9 * (temp * temp) * (humidity * humidity));
string type;
cout << "Is this temperature Fehrenhiet or Celcius (F/C) : ";
cin >> type;
while (type != "F" && type != "f" &&
type != "C" & type != "c") {
cout << "Enter F or C :";
cin >> type;
if ((type == "F" || type == "f") && temp >= 80.0) { // Fahrenheit and over 80`
cout << heatIndex;
} else if ((type == "C" || type == "c") && temp >= 26.67) {
heatIndex = heatIndex * 9.0/5.0 + 32;
cout << heatIndex;
} else {
cout << "no heatIndex" ;
哦哇,謝謝!之前,我對「參照」非常困惑。 – Marla