Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\stuff\module.py", line 91, in <module>
f = open('E:/stuff/log.txt')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'E:/stuff/log.txt'
f = open('E:/stuff/log.txt')
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>dir e:\stuff
Volume in drive E has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5660-4957
Directory of e:\stuff
23. 10. 2010 09:26 <DIR> .
23. 10. 2010 09:26 <DIR> ..
19. 10. 2010 20:07 385 index.py
23. 10. 2010 16:12 1 954 module.py
22. 10. 2010 19:16 8 335 backprop.py
19. 10. 2010 20:54 1 307 backprop-input.gif
19. 10. 2010 01:48 310 HelloWorld.kpf
23. 10. 2010 15:47 0 log.txt.txt
6 File(s) 12 291 bytes
2 Dir(s) 8 795 586 560 bytes free
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>dir e:\
Volume in drive E has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 5660-4957
Directory of e:\
16. 10. 2010 13:32 <DIR> development-tools
23. 10. 2010 09:26 <DIR> stuff
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 8 795 586 560 bytes free
python E:\stuff\module.py
「我可以在Windows資源管理器中導航」。所以?從命令提示符處執行「DIR」命令並複製並粘貼該命令。 – 2010-10-23 13:58:41
@S。洛特我做到了。看到我更新的問題。 – 2010-10-23 14:11:03
@Richard:那不是命令提示符,那是python解釋器。 – SilentGhost 2010-10-23 14:13:58