2016-07-27 51 views



name, rank, serial number, age, height, weight 

mike, noob, 123456, 22, 6, 34.4 

bob, officer, 345 

323, 24, 6, 2 


ted, officer, 34234, 2 

5, 6, 35.2 




name, rank, serial number, age, height, weight 

mike, noob, 123456, 22, 6, 34.4 

bob, officer, 345323, 24, 6, 23.5 

ted, officer, 34234, 25, 6, 35.2 


EFPCName,EFUseAPPE,log pdl,pdl error,device pretty name,num pages,num sheets,copies printed,total pages printed,total sheets printed,total color pages printed,total bw pages printed,total tab pages printed,total sample pages printed,num copies,print status,instructions,notes1,notes2,username,noneutf8lastuser,non utf8 submitted by,title,size,logical printer,fiery,time,date,total rip duration,timestamp spooling,timestamp done spooling,timestamp waiting to rip,timestamp ripping,timestamp done ripping,timestamp waiting to print,timestamp printing,timestamp done printing,media weight,input slot,media size,media type,interpreter, 

LZX Laser 24 - 11 x 17 Tabloid,,postscript,,Canon,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,0,0,1,OK,,,,TeamMember,,TeamMember,78053.01.pdf,4004491,Canon hold,SERVER-Shredder,2013 06 07 19 37 13,2013 06 07 19 37 00,3,2013 06 07 19 37 23,2013 06 07 19 37 24,2013 06 07 19 38 02 118342,2013 06 07 19 38 02 118342,2013 06 07 19 38 09,2013 06 07 19 38 09,2013 06 07 19 38 38,2013 06 07 19 39 19 124419,,Tray5,Tabloid,Plain,PS, 

LZX Laser 24 - 11 x 17 Tabloid,,postscript,,Canon,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,0,0,1,OK,,,,TeamMember,,TeamMember,78053.01.pdf,4004520,none,SERVER-Shredder,2013 06 07 19 37 13,2013 06 07 19 37 00,,2013 06 07 19 44 07 926090,2013 06 07 19 44 07 926744,2013 06 07 19 44 07 926090,2013 06 07 19 44 07 926090,2013 06 07 19 44 07 926744,2013 06 07 19 44 07,2013 06 07 19 44 11,2013 06 07 19 44 53 141084,,Tray5,Tabloid,Plain,PS, 

LZX Laser 24 - 11 x 17 Tabloid,,postscript,,Canon,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,0,0,1,OK,,,,TeamMember,,TeamMember,78053.01.pdf,4004520,none,SERVER-Shredder,2013 06 07 19 37 13,2013 06 07 19 37 00,,2013 06 07 19 46 01 550964,2013 06 07 19 46 01 551451,2013 06 07 19 46 01 550964,2013 06 07 19 46 01 550964,2013 06 07 19 46 01 551451,2013 06 07 19 46 01,2013 06 07 19 46 05,2013 06 07 19 46 46 911557,,Tray5,Tabloid,Plain,PS, 

LZX80 Color Copy Cover - 11 x 17 Tabloid,,postscript,,Canon,1,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,2,OK,,,,TeamMember,,TeamMember,78011.01.pdf,874486,Canon hold,SERVER-Shredder,2013 06 07 19 47 07,2013 06 07 19 47 00,3,2013 06 07 19 47 17,2013 06 07 19 47 17 507576,2013 06 07 19 47 47 960542,2013 06 07 19 47 47 960542,2013 06 07 19 47 51,2013 06 07 19 47 51,2013 06 07 19 47 54,2013 06 07 19 48 25 77595,,Tray3,Tabloid,Heavy5,PS, 

LZX Laser 24 - 11 x 17 Tabloid,,postscript,,Canon,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,0,0,1,OK,,,,TeamMember,,TeamMember,78053.01.pdf,4004520,none,SERVER-Shredder,2013 06 07 19 37 13,2013 06 07 19 37 00,,2013 06 07 19 48 04 501212,2013 06 07 19 48 04 502522,2013 06 07 19 48 04 501212,2013 06 07 19 48 04 501212,2013 06 07 19 48 04 502522,2013 06 07 19 48 04,2013 06 07 19 48 07,2013 06 07 19 48 48 188474,,Tray5,Tabloid,Plain,PS, 

EX32 Laser 32 - 11 x 17 Tabloid,,pdf,,Canon,63,64,1,63,64,4,59,0,0,1,OK,Size: 11 x 17 
Finishing: Coil Binding Cutting Punching 
1-63 4/0 EX32 Laser 32 - 11 x 17 11 x 17 
,Color 77992:01Employee Handbook REVISED_2up(NFC).pdf, McAllen TX,EFI Pace,,,Color 77992:01Employee Handbook REVISED_2up(NFC).pdf,518880,none,SERVER-Shredder,2013 06 07 20 01 52,2013 06 07 20 01 00,3,2013 06 07 20 02 41 495216,2013 06 07 20 02 44 780196,2013 06 07 20 02 41 871208,2013 06 07 20 02 41 871208,2013 06 07 20 02 45,2013 06 07 20 02 45,2013 06 07 20 03 25,2013 06 07 20 05 45 741386,,Tray4,Tabloid,Heavy1,PS, 




dat <- readLines("temp.txt") # read whatever is in there, one line at a time 
varnames <- unlist(strsplit(dat[1], ",")) # extract variable names 
nvar <- length(varnames) 

k <- 1 # setting up a counter 
dat1 <- matrix(NA, ncol = nvar, dimnames = list(NULL, varnames)) 

while(k <= length(dat)){ 
    k <- k + 1 
    if(dat[k] == "") {k <- k + 1 
     print(paste("data line", k, "is an empty string")) 
     if(k > length(dat)) {break} 
    temp <- dat[k] 
    # checks if there are enough commas or if the line was broken 
    while(length(gregexpr(",", temp)[[1]]) < nvar-1){ 
     k <- k + 1 
     temp <- paste0(temp, dat[k]) 
    temp <- unlist(strsplit(temp, ",")) 
    dat1 <- rbind(dat1, temp) 

dat1 = dat1[-1,] # delete the empty initial row  




我得到這個錯誤:錯誤if(dat [k] ==「」){:缺少值,其中TRUE/FALSE需要 另外:有50個或更多的警告(使用警告()看到前50 )。這也正在閱讀和顯示一個閃亮的應用程序。用戶無法干預。如果確實有某種問題,是否可以折騰?我還沒有看到那樣做,但我猜可能是可能的。 –


如果k> length(dat),可能會發生此錯誤。 – nya


@MichaelCiesielczyk它是否在datal表中創建了一些與您的真實數據正確識別的行? – nya


如果你想暗示添加空白領域,當你有不等長行,設置您的通話函數read.table填寫= TRUE。



是的,我不想只用空白填充記錄的末尾,用空白填充下一個記錄的開頭。我需要的數據框看起來像編輯我的問題。 –


數據中的空白是否有意義或者是否可以刪除全部?我的意思是 - 你需要空間嗎? – nya


是的,我需要變量中的空白。 –
