some_string = "All the staff in the operating room has been specifically trained with a theoretical and practical 20-hour course.\xe2\x80\xa9Results: The overall average incidence of adverse events reported was determined by 4.8%, is consistent with the expectations of the study protocol, and is at a lower level than the average median rate of international studies (8.9%).\n"
Scanner br = new Scanner(new File("location of my file"), "UTF-8");
while (br.hasNextLine()) {
>All the staff in the operating room has been specifically trained with a theoretical and practical 20-hour course.
>Results: The overall average incidence of adverse events reported was determined by 4.8%, is consistent with the expectations of the study protocol, and is at a lower level than the average median rate of international studies (8.9%).
你確定該文件被編碼爲UTF-8嗎? –
@DavidWallace是的。經過進一步的思考,我注意到'\ xe2 \ x80 \ xa9'的序列是來自這裏http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl?start=8192&number=128&utf8的某種形式的段落分割器=字符串文字 – kolonel
@DavidWallace關於如何避免任何不是新行字符的任何想法? – kolonel