2012-02-18 62 views

我有Windows Server 2008 R2,分別安裝了MySQL和Subversion。只要提及它也有IIS。在Windows Server 2008上安裝Redmine時出現的問題



雖然安裝這個我們已經在一步擊中沒有​​。 8在Rake上出錯,失敗!


C:\Ruby187\Apps\Redmine>rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=production 
NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on o 
r after 2011-11-01. 
Gem.source_index called from C:/Ruby187/Apps/Redmine/config/../vendor/rails/rail 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#initialize is deprecated with no replacement. It will be 
removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#initialize called from C:/Ruby187/Apps/Redmine/config/../vendor 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. It wi 
ll be removed on or after 2011-11-01. 
Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems 
rake aborted! 
Could not find rack (~> 1.1.0) amongst [actionmailer-3.2.1, actionpack-3.2.1, ac 
tivemodel-3.2.1, activerecord-3.2.1, activeresource-3.2.1, activesupport-3.2.1, 
arel-3.0.0, builder-3.0.0, bundler-1.0.22, cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0, erubis-2 
.7.0, gem_plugin-0.2.3, hike-1.2.1, i18n-0.6.0, journey-1.0.1, json-1.6.5, mail- 
2.4.1, mime-types-1.17.2, mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32, multi_json-1.0.4, mysql-2.8 
.1-x86-mingw32, polyglot-0.3.3, rack-1.4.1, rack-cache-1.1, rack-ssl-1.3.2, rack 
-test-0.6.1, rails-3.2.1, railties-3.2.1, rake-, rdoc-3.12, sprockets-2.3 
.1, sprockets-2.1.2, thor-0.14.6, tilt-1.3.3, treetop-1.4.10, tzinfo-0.3.31] 

Tasks: TOP => redmine:load_default_data => environment 
(See full trace by running task with –trace) 



C:\Ruby187\Apps\Redmine>gem -v 

C:\Ruby187\Apps\Redmine>rake db:migrate 
rake aborted! 
RubyGem version error: rack(1.4.1 not ~> 1.1.0) 

Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => environment 
(See full trace by running task with --trace) 



您可能需要降級您的Ruby Gems版本。

嘗試gem update --system 1.6.2



您應該先嚐試運行bundle install,看看您是否已經擁有了所有指定的寶石。如果耙子仍然不能運行,請嘗試exec rake db:migrate

最後,蠻力,如果有必要。 gem uninstall rack then gem install rack -v 1.1.0



嗨daemonsy,更新它,請看看編輯部分。 – Krunal 2012-02-18 13:56:15


最後,如果它仍然不起作用,你可以暴力強制它。 'gem uninstall rack'和'gem install rack -v 1.1.0' – 2012-02-18 14:18:47


使用版本再次卸載和安裝機架工作正常。謝謝。 :) – Krunal 2012-02-18 14:57:12
