2016-03-16 110 views

我正在使用鑰匙串來保存持久數據。 的功能2鑰匙串持久數據iOS

func savePassword(password: String, inKeychainItem: NSData?) -> NSData? 
func getPasswordWithPersistentReference(persistentReference: NSData) -> String? 

我只是想確保,如果我使用savePassword功能,並得到一個NSData的,我應該在哪裏保持這個NSData的保持它持續到下一次,我會運行應用程序嗎? userDefault是保存這些數據的安全場所嗎?


func savePassword(password: String, inKeychainItem: NSData?) -> NSData? { 
     guard let passwordData = password.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: false) else { return nil } 
     var status = errSecSuccess 

     if let persistentReference = inKeychainItem { 
      // A persistent reference was given, update the corresponding keychain item. 
      let query: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [ 
       kSecValuePersistentRef : persistentReference, 
       kSecReturnAttributes : kCFBooleanTrue 
      var result: AnyObject? 

      // Get the current attributes for the item. 
      status = SecItemCopyMatching(query, &result) 

      if let attributes = result as? [NSObject: AnyObject] where status == errSecSuccess { 
       // Update the attributes with the new data. 
       var updateQuery = [NSObject: AnyObject]() 
       updateQuery[kSecClass] = kSecClassGenericPassword 
       updateQuery[kSecAttrService] = attributes[kSecAttrService] 

       var newAttributes = attributes 
       newAttributes[kSecValueData] = passwordData 

       status = SecItemUpdate(updateQuery, newAttributes) 
       if status == errSecSuccess { 
        return persistentReference 

func getPasswordWithPersistentReference(persistentReference: NSData) -> String? { 
     var result: String? 
     let query: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [ 
      kSecClass : kSecClassGenericPassword, 
      kSecReturnData : kCFBooleanTrue, 
      kSecValuePersistentRef : persistentReference 

     var returnValue: AnyObject? 
     let status = SecItemCopyMatching(query, &returnValue) 

     if let passwordData = returnValue as? NSData where status == errSecSuccess { 
      result = NSString(data: passwordData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as? String 
     return result 



這些功能不是iOS SDK的一部分。如果您需要使用它們的幫助,則必須編輯您的問題以包含它們的源代碼。 –


我認爲這些函數的返回類型應該足夠了,但是會編輯 – Roee84




In iOS, each application always has access to its own keychain items; the user is never asked to unlock the keychain.



這個問題我不明白什麼是持久數據(從savePassword返回的對象)?因爲如果它與我的鑰匙串有關,是否將它保存在userDefaults中是安全的? – Roee84