2016-09-24 49 views

我正在爲一個小型圖書館的大學做整數計算在cyclic group;喜歡的東西:哈斯克爾:如何編寫一個`Monoid`實例取決於參數

(3 (% 11)) + (10 (% 11)) 
--> (2 (% 11)) 

'整數(%N)'清楚地形成下加入幺與'0(%N)'身份元素。但是,只有當兩個操作數的模數相同時,加法纔有意義:a (% n) + b (% n)有意義,而a (% n) + b (% m)則不適用。

有什麼辦法可以用Haskell的類型系統強制執行嗎?當然,mempty標識元素也是如此:0 (% n)如何構建? n可以保存在類型系統中嗎?



Kitchen-sink Haskell確實具有足夠的依賴類型來保持模數作爲類型級數,然後爲每個正模數添加一個monoid。當然,如果你想按部門對代表進行標準化,你需要確保你保留了一個模數值的副本。 – pigworker


這個特定目的的依賴類型的替代方法是'reflection'包。您將在「Reifies s Natural」環境下工作,其中圍繞具有's'幻像的Integer的新類型將具有所有期望的實例。 'reify'會將模量投入空中,而'reflect'會將空氣拉出。 – dfeuer




Enter,{-# LANGUAGE KitchenSink #-}。我的意思是(實際上不是太差)

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, FlexibleInstances #-} 



data Nat = Z | S Nat    -- type-level numbers 
data Natty :: Nat -> * where  -- value-level representation of Nat 
    Zy :: Natty Z 
    Sy :: Natty n -> Natty (S n) 
class NATTY n where    -- value-level representability 
    natty :: Natty n 
instance NATTY Z where 
    natty = Zy 
instance NATTY n => NATTY (S n) where 
    natty = Sy natty 




int :: Nat -> Integer 
int Z = 0 
int (S n) = 1 + int n 

instance Show Nat where 
    show = show . int 

nat :: Natty n -> Nat 
nat Zy = Z 
nat (Sy n) = S (nat n) 

instance Show (Natty n) where 
    show = show . nat 


data Mod :: Nat -> * where 
    (:%) :: Integer -> Natty n -> Mod (S n) 


remainder :: Natty n -- predecessor of modulus 
      -> Integer -- any representative 
      -> Integer -- canonical representative 
    -- if candidate negative, add the modulus 
remainder n x | x < 0 = remainder n (int (nat (Sy n)) + x) 
    -- otherwise get dividing 
remainder n x = go (Sy n) x x where 
    go :: Natty m -- divisor countdown (initially the modulus) 
    -> Integer -- our current guess at the representative 
    -> Integer -- dividend countdown 
    -> Integer -- the canonical representative 
    -- when we run out of dividend the guessed representative is canonical 
    go _  c 0 = c 
    -- when we run out of divisor but not dividend, 
    -- the current dividend countdown is a better guess at the rep, 
    -- but perhaps still too big, so start again, counting down 
    -- from the modulus (conveniently still in scope) 
    go Zy  _ y = go (Sy n) y y 
    -- otherwise, decrement both countdowns 
    go (Sy m) c y = go m c (y - 1) 


rep :: NATTY n     -- we pluck the modulus rep from thin air 
    => Integer -> Mod (S n) -- when we see the modulus we want 
rep x = remainder n x :% n where n = natty 


instance NATTY n => Monoid (Mod (S n)) where 
    mempty     = rep 0 
    mappend (x :% _) (y :% _) = rep (x + y) 


instance Show (Mod n) where 
    show (x :% n) = concat ["(", show (remainder n x), " :% ", show (Sy n), ")"] 
instance Eq (Mod n) where 
    (x :% n) == (y :% _) = remainder n x == remainder n y 


type Four = S (S (S (S Z))) 


> foldMap rep [1..5] :: Mod Four 
(3 :% 4) 



@Qqwy,如果你願意,你可以在這裏避免'FlexibleInstances',通過使用'class Mon n where monempty :: Mod n; monappend :: Mod n - > Mod n - > Mod n',其中包含''Z'和''s n'的實例,然後是'instance Mon n => Monoid(Mod n)where ...'。 – dfeuer



{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables #-} 
module Mod(Mod) where 
import Data.Proxy 
import GHC.TypeLits 

data Mod (n :: Nat) = Mod Integer 

instance (KnownNat n) => Show (Mod n) where 
    showsPrec p (Mod i) = showParen (p > 0) $ 
     showsPrec 0 i . showString " :% " . showsPrec 0 (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) 

instance Eq (Mod n) where 
    Mod x == Mod y = x == y 

instance forall n . (KnownNat n) => Num (Mod n) where 
    Mod x + Mod y = Mod $ (x + y) `mod` natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) 
    Mod x - Mod y = Mod $ (x - y) `mod` natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) 
    Mod x * Mod y = Mod $ (x * y) `mod` natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) 
    fromInteger i = Mod $ i `mod` natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n) 
    abs x = x 
    signum x = if x == 0 then 0 else 1 

instance (KnownNat n) => Monoid (Mod n) where 
    mempty = 0 
    mappend = (+) 

instance Ord (Mod n) where 
    Mod x `compare` Mod y = x `compare` y 

instance (KnownNat n) => Real (Mod n) where 
    toRational (Mod n) = toRational n 

instance (KnownNat n) => Enum (Mod n) where 
    fromEnum = fromIntegral 
    toEnum = fromIntegral 

instance (KnownNat n) => Integral (Mod n) where 
    quotRem (Mod x) (Mod y) = (Mod q, Mod r) where (q, r) = quotRem x y 
    toInteger (Mod i) = i 


> foldMap fromInteger [1..5] :: Mod 4 
3 :% 4 
> toInteger (88 * 23 :: Mod 17) 
> (3 :: Mod 4) == 7 



的確,我不需要做太多的一元算術,就像我在答案中所用的一樣(我因執行整數的範圍而急於求成,因爲我很着急)。 Natty NATTY是我預處理器翻譯的輸出結果。同時,請注意Mod 0的算術運算,並注意到除了更有趣的一點:1/3 = 11(mod 16)。 – pigworker


我沒有打算做一個與乘法相反的分割。這只是太多的工作。 :) – augustss


此外,我相信我的'quotRem'服從Haskell文檔指定的法則。 :) – augustss



>>> import Data.Modular 
>>> 10 * 11 :: ℤ/7 

非常好!現在我不必製作包裝。 – augustss