我有一個遠程節點,它保存60個不同寄存器中的值。我需要用點擊按鈕來填充一個網格。我一次只能得到一個值。這工作,但它很混亂。每次我收到另一個值添加到列表中,我得到此錯誤:「gridArray = np.array(table).reshape(15,4) ValueError:無法重新設置大小數組(列表中的值的數量) (15,4)wxPython;從遠程節點發送的值填充網格一次一個值
def onGetValues(self, event):
for i in range(129,189): #number of registers will never change
#send me the data in each of these registers
#Then I build a list as the values are received:
def buildList(self, val):
global myList
myList.append(val) # this gives me a list with one value, then two values, etc
self.makeArray() # go to the next step
#Then I turn the final list into an array:
def makeArray(self):
global myList, gridArray
gridArray = np.array(myList).reshape(15,4) # grid will never be bigger
#Then use the array to populate the grid:
def popGrid(self):
global gridArray
for row in gridArray:
row_num = row[0]
cells = row[0:4]
for i in range(len(cells)):
if cells [i] != None and cells[i] != "null":
self.grid.SetCellValue(row_num-1, i, str(cells[i]))