2011-08-23 43 views



Aug 23, 2011 10:31:35 AM This is the start of the text. 
    This is more Text. 
This is another line 
This is another line 
    This is more. 
Aug 23, 2011 10:41:00 AM This is the next in the series. 
This is another line 
    This is more Text. 
This is another line 
    This is another line 
    This is more. 
Aug 24, 2011 10:41:00 AM This is the next in the series. 
This is another line 
    This is more Text. 
This is another line 
    This is another line 
    This is more. 


Aug 23, 2011 10:31:35 AM This is the start of the text. 
    This is more Text. 
This is another line 
This is another line 
    This is more. 



簡單的readline循環,停在包含'系列中的下一個'的行 – kusut


編輯你的問題與你試過人們會很樂意幫助您解決問題。 –


去閱讀:[正則表達式HOWTO](http://docs.python.org/howto/regex.html)這是你需要的 – prince


import re 

s = '''Aug 23, 2011 10:31:35 AM This is the start of the text. 
     This is more Text. 
This is another line 
This is another line 
     This is more. 
Aug 23, 2011 10:41:00 AM This is the next in the series. 
This is another line 
     This is more Text. 
This is another line 
     This is another line 
     This is more. 
Aug 24, 2011 10:41:00 AM This is the next in the series. 
This is another line 
     This is more Text. 
This is another line 
     This is another line 
     This is more. ''' 

months = '(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)' 
ch = '%s \d\d?, \d{4} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d (?:AM|am|PM|pm)' % months 

regx = re.compile('%s.*?(?=%s|\Z)' % (ch,ch), re.DOTALL) 

for x in regx.findall(s): 
    print repr(x) 


'Aug 23, 2011 10:31:35 AM This is the start of the text.\n  This is more Text.\nThis is another line\nThis is another line\n  This is more.\n' 

'Aug 23, 2011 10:41:00 AM This is the next in the series.\nThis is another line\n  This is more Text.\nThis is another line\n  This is another line\n  This is more.\n' 

'Aug 24, 2011 10:41:00 AM This is the next in the series.\nThis is another line\n  This is more Text.\nThis is another line\n  This is another line\n  This is more. ' 





re.DOTALL是使符號。 (點)匹配所有的字符,組成'\ n',這是不是這種情況下,沒有這個標誌


正則表達式有一點陡峭的學習曲線,但有許多偉大的教程(例如http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html),它非常強大。然而,我總是習慣於這樣做的一件事是對我使用的任何正則表達式進行了嚴格的評論,這些正則表達式甚至有點複雜,否則我會在幾個月後回來,並且必須破譯我最初寫的東西。 – Vorticity


@渦旋非常貼切的評論。我不認爲這樣做,我決定在未來讓我的決議回憶這一建議。而不是upvoting你的評論,我只是upvoted你有趣的答案(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7133977/datetime-print-as-seconds/7134020#7134020),其中我瞭解到「 'datetime.timedelta.total_seconds()'' – eyquem
