2013-12-14 76 views

我是新的操作系統開發,我發現一個半簡單的操作系統,以幫助作爲開始,該操作系統是"Test Os kernel",我下載和我運行它使用bochs,所以我決定去到下一級並嘗試編譯,實際上我使用的是MinGW Developer Studio 2.05,而且我的操作系統是vista不是linux。操作系統全局描述符表編譯錯誤


kern\.\memory\gdt.c:113: error: conflicting types for 'GDT_set_descriptor' 

kern\.\memory\gdt.c:85: error: previous implicit declaration of 'GDT_set_descriptor' was here 

kern\.\memory\gdt.c:145: error: conflicting types for 'GDT_install' 

kern\.\memory\gdt.c:93: error: previous implicit declaration of 'GDT_install' was here 
kern\kernel.c: In function `_start': 

kern\kernel.c:29: warning: implicit declaration of function `main' 
kern\kernel.c: In function `main': 

kern\kernel.c:36: warning: unused variable `cmd' 

tos.exe - 4 error(s), 38 warning(s) 


#include "../../kernel_components/libc/types.h" 

1-gdtdescriptor structure : the feilds of a gdt descriptor 
2-gdt itelf is an array of gdtdescriptors, it contains all the gdtdescriptors 
3-gdtpointer is a structure that indicates the place of the gdt in memory, this pointer is needed by the gdt register, 

#define GDTSIZE 16 //only 16 segments are mapped by the GDT 

* gdtDescriptor : each gdt descriptor represents a segment in memory 
typedef struct gdtDescriptor 
    u16 segmentLimit_0_15; //the first 16bit of the segment limit (its length) 
    u16 segmentBase_0_15; //the first 16bit of the segment Base (its beginning) 
    u8 segmentBase_16_23; //8bits in the midle for the segment base (its length) 
    u8 segmentType : 4; //data segment or code segment or stack segment 
    u8 segmentOrSystemCall :1;//to revise the name of this after you know what it does 
    u8 Ring:2; //ring0 is kernel segment and ring=3 for user mode segment,this used for protection 
    u8 presentOrSwaped:1; //to indicate if the segment is present in memory or it has been swaped to the HDD 
    u8 segmentLimit_16_19:4; 
    u8 NotUsed:2;  //this 2 bits feild is not used , so just put it to 0 
    u8 instructionSize:1; //instructionSize=1 for 32bit instructions 
    u8 limitUnit:1; //0 if the limit is expressed in bytes or 1 if the limit is in pages 
    u8 segmentBase_24_31; 
} __attribute__ ((packed)); //__attribute__((packed)) so that the compiler doesn't change this structure and optimize it 

struct gdtDescriptor GDT[GDTSIZE];//the global descriptor table,is an array of gdtDescriptors (segment entries) 

* the folowing are used to indicate the type of segment, we use afrendly names instead of using binary parameters 
* they are used as parameters of the function GDT_set_descriptor(.....) 
#define segmentType_CS 0xB //the segment is a code segment 
#define segmentType_DS 0x3 //to indicate that the segment being created is a data segment 
#define kernelMode 0x0 //ring0, a segment used to contain kernel code 
#define userMode 0x3 //ring3, used for ordinary applications that dont belong to the lernel 
#define presentInMemory 0x1 //the segment is present in memory or is swapped to a backbone (a disk for exmple) 
#define _32bitInstructions 0x1 //instructions in the segment are 32 bit instructions 
#define _16bitInstructions 0x0 
#define limitInBytes 0x0 //the limit of the segment is expressed in bytes (limit=0x100 means 0x100 bytes) 
#define limitInPages 0x1 //(limit=0x100 means 0x100 pages with each page can be 4k or 4M (on intel!) 

* gdtPointer : the gdt pointer is used to indicate the place of the gdt in memory 
typedef struct gdtPointer 
    u16 limit; 
    u32 base; 
} __attribute__ ((packed)); 

u32 GDT_descriptors_number=0; //the number of descriptors in the GDT 
struct gdtPointer gdtr; 

* GDT_init : initialize the gdt table : insert the code and data segment and copy the gdt to a new place 
void GDT_init() 
    //the first GDT is null 
    **===============ERROR 2** GDT_set_descriptor(1,0x0,0xfffff,segmentType_CS,0x1,kernelMode,presentInMemory,_32bitInstructions,limitInPages); 

    //initialize the GDT pointer 
    gdtr.limit = sizeof(struct gdtDescriptor)*GDTSIZE; 

    //make this GDT the system GDT by loading it to tne gdtr regiter 
    GDT_install(); **===============ERROR 4** 

* GDT_set_descriptor : set a GDT descriptor, 
* u32 descriptor : witch descriptor to set (the descriptor 0 is not used),1 means the first descriptor 
    u8 segmentType : 4; //data segment or code segment or stack segment 
    u8 segmentOrSystemCall :1;//to revise the name of this after you know what it does 
    u8 Ring:2; //ring0 is kernel segment and ring=3 for user mode segment,this used for protection 
    u8 presentOrSwaped:1; //to indicate if the segment is present in memory or it has been swaped to the HDD 
    u8 segmentLimit_16_19:4; 
    u8 NotUsed:2;  //this 2 bits feild is not used , so just put it to 0 
    u8 instructionSize:1; //instructionSize=1 for 32bit instructions 
    u8 limitUnit:1; //0 if the limit is expressed in bytes or 1 if the limit is in pages 
    u32 segmentBase : adresse of the beginnig of the segment 
    u32 limit :size of the descriptor, if limitUnit=limitInBytes so this limit is expressed in byte not in pages 
void GDT_set_descriptor(u32 descriptor,u32 base,u32 limit,u8 segmentType,u8 segmentOrSystemCall,u8 ring,u8 presentOrSwaped, u8 instructionSize, u8 limitUnit) 
{**===============ERROR 1** 
    struct gdtDescriptor gd; 

    //set gdt base 
    gd.segmentBase_0_15=(base & 0xffff); 
    gd.segmentBase_16_23=((base>>16) & 0xff); 
    gd.segmentBase_24_31=((base>>24) & 0xff); 

    //set gdt limit 
    gd.segmentLimit_0_15= (limit & 0xffff); 
    gd.segmentLimit_16_19=((limit>>16) & 0xf); 

    //other descriptor bits 

    //add this gd descriptor to the GDT table 


* GDT_install : load the new GDT to the gdtr register, that means 
void GDT_install()**===============ERROR 3** 
    //we need assembly here ! to make the GDTR register points our new GDT 
    asm("lgdt (gdtr)"); 

* GDT_install : load the new GDT to the gdtr register, that means 
void GDT_load_descriptor(u32 descriptor) 
    //this function must be edited so that we can add a code descriptor or a data descriptor 
    //for exemple GDT_load_descriptor_CS(2) this will load the second descriptor as a CS segment ie cs<--descriptor(2) 






如果函數在沒有前面的定義或聲明的情況下調用,編譯器會做出某些假設(「隱式聲明」) - 這些假設對應於原始C語言實現中的默認假設:假定返回值爲整數,小於「int」的整數型參數被提升爲int等。在這種情況下,編譯器稍後遇到具有不同返回值和參數的函數的實際定義。該錯誤基本上告訴你「我認爲,但現在你告訴我這一點」。

(a)顛倒源中函數的順序,使被調用的函數比調用代碼更早出現在文件中。 (b)提供靠近文件頂部的函數的前向聲明(或者通常通過單獨的頭文件完成)。 (a)通常工作較少,但(b)通常是一個更一般的解決方案 - 尤其是如果您預計需要從多個源模塊調用相應的函數時,通常最容易將聲明放入標題中。