我有以下的DTO與虛擬data..I想找出條目列表從StandardDTO對象計數: -需要找到嵌套的DTO對象的屬性
public class StandardDTO
public string InternalNotes { get; set; }
public string CustomerNotes { get; set; }
public List<Principal> Principals { get; set; }
public VerificationSummary VerificationSummary{ get; set; }
public class Principal
public string PrincipalTitle { get; set; }
public string PrincipalName { get; set; }
public class VerificationSummary
public List<Entry> Entries { get; set; }
public decimal GrossTotal { get; set; }
public decimal Total { get; set; }
public class Entry
public string PeriodName { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
void Main()
// Need to populate stdDTOObject and childXElement
int count = GetDTOObjectCount(GetStandardDTOObject(), "VerificationSummary");
public StandardDTO GetStandardDTOObject()
StandardDTO stdDTOObj = new StandardDTO();
stdDTOObj.InternalNotes = "InternalNotes";
stdDTOObj.CustomerNotes = "CustomerNotes";
List<Principal> lstPrincipal = new List<Principal>();
Principal pObj = new Principal();
pObj.PrincipalTitle = "Mr";
pObj.PrincipalName = "ABC";
pObj = new Principal();
pObj.PrincipalTitle = "Mrs";
pObj.PrincipalName = "XYZ";
stdDTOObj.Principals = lstPrincipal;
VerificationSummary vs = new VerificationSummary();
List<Entry> lstEntry = new List<Entry>();
Entry entry = new Entry();
entry.PeriodName = "Sept17";
entry.Amount = 1212;
entry = new Entry();
entry.PeriodName = "Oct17";
entry.Amount = 12000;
entry = new Entry();
entry.PeriodName = "Nov17";
entry.Amount = 1000;
entry = new Entry();
entry.PeriodName = "Dec17";
entry.Amount = 2000;
entry = new Entry();
entry.PeriodName = "Jan18";
entry.Amount = 2000;
vs.Entries = lstEntry;
vs.GrossTotal = 5555;
vs.Total = 10000;
stdDTOObj.VerificationSummary = vs;
return stdDTOObj;
public int GetDTOObjectCount<T>(T dtoObject, string nodeName)
var dtoObjectType = dtoObject.GetType();
var objectProperties = GetPropertyInfo(dtoObjectType);
return GetDTOOBjectCountRecursively(objectProperties, nodeName, dtoObject);
public int GetDTOOBjectCountRecursively<T>(IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> objectProperties, string nodeName, T dtoObject)
foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in objectProperties)
if (propInfo.Name.Equals(nodeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var lstDTOItems = propInfo.GetValue(dtoObject) as IList;
if (lstDTOItems != null)
return lstDTOItems.Count;
var objPropInfos = GetPropertyInfo(propInfo.PropertyType);
//hardcoded the nodeName just for this test.
return GetDTOOBjectCountRecursively(objPropInfos, "Entries", dtoObject);
return 0;
private IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetPropertyInfo(Type type)
return type.GetProperties();
的問題是,我無法循環內遞歸 StandardDTO - > VerificationSummary - >條目
它未能在下面的行當propinfo = 「條目」 propinfo
變種lstDTOItems = propInfo.GetValue(dtoObject)作爲IList的;
請發表您的意見/建議。它非常緊迫。 – user1581860
我試圖在.Net Core 1.1 – user1581860