2012-12-04 130 views



的jQuery插件是基於正常的JavaScript源: 你可以看到一個工作示例here
和的jsfiddle here




    // We name the function loader 
    $.fn.loader = function (options) { 

     // Default settings - can be replaced by options 
     var defaults = { 
      speed: 5, 
      width: 50, 
      height: 50, 
      totalFrames: 19, 
      frameWidth: 50, 
      color: 'white', 
      loaderTimeout: false, 
      index: 0, 
      Xpos: 0, 
      frameDelay: 0 

     // Extend the options and defaults to variables 
     var opts = $.extend(defaults, options); 

     // We locate the loader Image 
     var loaderImage = '../../_resources/loading/loading_sprites_'+ opts.color + '_' + opts.height + '.png'; 

     // Now start the Function 
     return this.each(function() { 

      // The original element is defined with a variable 
      var element = $(this); 
      var frameDelay = opts.frameDelay; 

      // We start out by defining the beginning of the animation 
      function startLoader() { 

       // The element is giving the right width and height to contain 
       // the loading animation, and the loaderImage source as background 
       element.width(opts.width).height(opts.height).css('background-image', 'url('+loaderImage+')'); 

       // We calculate the Frames Per Second 
       FPS = Math.round(100/opts.speed); 
       frameDelay = 1/FPS; 

       // And start the animation 
       setTimeout('continueAnimation()', frameDelay/1000); 


      // To keep the animation on going we need to define a function 
      // that continuesly repeat the sprites 
      function continueAnimation() { 

       var Xpos = opts.Xpos; 
       var index = opts.index; 

       // The X-position is defined based on how wide the frame is 
       Xpos += opts.frameWidth; 

       // index is defined by continuelsy counting 
       index += 1; 

       // if index counts to more or equal to the amount of frames defined 
       if (index >= opts.totalFrames) { 
        Xpos = 0; // ... we set the X-position to be 0 
        index = 0; // ... and the index too 

       // We change the position og the sprite to give the illusion 
       // of an animation going on 
       element.css('background-position', Xpos + 'px 0'); 

       // And finally we are going to ask our function to repeat itself. 
       setTimeout('continueAnimation()', frameDelay * 1000); 


      // Before anything we want the sprites to be pre-loaded 
      function imageLoader(source, start) { 

       var loaderTimeout = opts.loaderTimeout; 

       // First we clear Timout 
       loaderTimeout = 0; 

       // Then we generate a new image (the sprites) 
       genImage = new Image(); 

       // When the image is loaded we want to start the animation 
       genImage.onload = function() {loaderTimeout = setTimeout(start, 0)}; 

       // If we can't locate the sprite image, we prepare an error function 
       genImage.onerror = new Function('alert(\'Could not load the image\')'); 

       // And we define the image source 
       genImage.src = source; 

      // This command starts the whole animation 
      new imageLoader(loaderImage, 'startAnimation()'); 




$(document).ready(function() { 
     color: 'blue' 

那是一隻流浪;在一開始? – lifetimes


@ user1394965雅是其常用的插件編碼 –


請擴大「它不工作」 – MalSu




new imageLoader(loaderImage, 'startAnimation()'); 


genImage.onload = function() {loaderTimeout = setTimeout(start, 0)}; 


順便說一句:你應該避免將字符串傳遞給setTimeout/setInterval。它僞裝的eval和eval is evil!


感謝...沒有解決這個問題,但我絕對沒有看到,我做了一個錯字..就寫什麼,而不是任何意見(有關的setTimeout/setInterval的) – Dimser


對於字符串,傳遞一個參考到函數本身,而不是一個字符串。例如'setTimeout(startAnimation,0)'代替'setTimeout('startAnimation()',0)' – Jamiec




如果這是工作和回家阻止你,我強烈建議jquery-ui widget factory。嘗試這個(開了一個會議,並將在扔的jsfiddle如果我能得到他們的時間):

$(document).ready(function() { 
     color: 'blue' 
      speed: 5, 
      width: 50, 
      height: 50, 
      totalFrames: 19, 
      frameWidth: 50, 
      color: "white", 
      loaderTimeout: false, 
      index: 0, 
      Xpos: 0, 
      frameDelay: 0, 
      imgBase: "../../_resources/loading/loading_sprites_" 
//called once and only once per widget 
    _create: function(){ 
    var self = this, 
     selectedElement = self.element; 
     self.options.loaderImage = self.options.imgBase + self.options.color + '_' + self.options.height + '.png'; 
     self.imageLoader(self.options.loaderImage, self.startAnimation); 
    startAnimation : function(){ 
var self = this; 
// The element is giving the right width and height to contain 
       // the loading animation, and the loaderImage source as background 
       element.width(self.options.width).height(self.options.height).css('background-image', 'url('+self.options.loaderImage+')'); 

       // We calculate the Frames Per Second 
       FPS = Math.round(100/self.options.speed); 
       self.options.frameDelay = 1/FPS; 

       // And start the animation 
       setTimeout(self.continueAnimation, self.options.frameDelay/1000); 
continueAnimation : function(){ 
var self = this, 
    Xpos = self.options.Xpos, 
    index = self.options.index; 

       // The X-position is defined based on how wide the frame is 
       Xpos += self.options.frameWidth; 

       // index is defined by continuelsy counting 
       index += 1; 

       // if index counts to more or equal to the amount of frames defined 
       if (index >= self.options.totalFrames) { 
        Xpos = 0; // ... we set the X-position to be 0 
        index = 0; // ... and the index too 

       // We change the position og the sprite to give the illusion 
       // of an animation going on 
       element.css('background-position', Xpos + 'px 0'); 

       // And finally we are going to ask our function to repeat itself. 
       setTimeout('continueAnimation()', frameDelay * 1000); 
imageLoader : function(source, start){ 
var self = this, 
    loaderTimeout = self.options.loaderTimeout; 

       // First we clear Timout 
       loaderTimeout = 0; 

       // Then we generate a new image (the sprites) 
       genImage = new Image(); 

       // When the image is loaded we want to start the animation 
       genImage.onload = function() {loaderTimeout = setTimeout(start, 0)}; 

       // If we can't locate the sprite image, we prepare an error function 
       genImage.onerror = new Function('alert(\'Could not load the image\')'); 

       // And we define the image source 
       genImage.src = source; 
//optional, called every time $('selector').loader() is called 
    _init: function(){}, 

//recommended optional, called on $('loader.selector').remove() or similar. 
//you should undo all your changes/events in create 
    _destroy: function(){} 

它告訴我在這一行有一個錯誤:'self.options.loaderImage = self.options.imgBase + self .options.color +'_'+ self.options.height +'.png';' – Dimser


我必須看看我的會議後,檢查新options.imgbase交換與' – DefyGravity


我有一些問題。 。我相信不可能給一個變量一個名字,比如:'self.options.loaderImage'。除此之外'frameDelay'也是一個選項,因爲它沒有被放到局部變量中,所以應該像這樣寫'self.options.frameDelay'。我只是一個新手,所以這只是我想知道的,因爲它對我來說似乎並不合邏輯。 – Dimser