type HMap = forall a . MyClass a => M.Map Int a
testFunction :: (forall a . MyClass a => M.Map Int a) -> Int -> IO()
testFunction m i = do
case M.lookup i m of
Nothing -> return()
Just v -> someActionFromMyClass v >> putStrLn "OK"
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraint:
(MyClass a0) arising from a use of `m'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the second argument of `M.lookup', namely `m'
In the expression: (M.lookup i m)
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
case (M.lookup i m) of {
Nothing -> return()
Just v -> someActionFromMyClass v >> putStrLn "OK" }
我想,我需要特別均質集合體,但奇怪的是我找不到在谷歌任何東西,除了this,但這個庫似乎有點邋遢老。 什麼是正確的這樣做的(希望沒有其他圖書館只使用GHC擴展)的方式嗎?
非常感謝您!這是我自己沒有得到的恥辱。我想我現在必須睡得比現在更多) –