2016-09-18 184 views


  • 我們包括jQuery庫頁
  • 發生JQuery的添加事件不再做提交表單
  • 加入jQuery的事件,使得提交給執行AJAX
  • 根據消息時來到阿賈克斯,是否顯示成功或失敗

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var params = {"email": $("input#email") 
$.post(yourserver.php, params, validate, "json") 

function validate(response) { 

    if (response.success) { 
    } else { 



    if ($_REQUEST["email"]) { 
    $response = array("success" => true) 
    } else { 
    $response = array("success" => false, "message" => "Missing email"); 

    echo json_encode($response); 
function success(answer) { 

$(".loader").hide(); // Hide loader element 

// Back-end side must return 3 numbers, where is 
// 1 - success 
// 2 - invalid email 
// 3 - username already exists 

if (answer === 1) {  // if returned code "1" then output message of success 
    console.log("You have successfully registered"); 
} else if (answer === 2) { // if returned code "2" then output message of invalid email 
    console.log("Invalid Email Address"); 
} else if (answer === 3) { // if returned code "3" then output message of username already exists 
    console.log("Username already exists"); 

function loading() { 
$(".loader").show(); // Show loader element 

$("#submit").on("submit", function() { 
    url: ("/handler"), // url address of your handler 
    type: "POST", 
    data: ({ 
    email: $("input#email"), 
    login: $("input#login"), 
    password: $("input#password")}) 
    beforeSend: loading, // should call loading() without arguments 
    success: success, // should call success(answer) where answer is result which returned your server 

這不是一個答案。你應該評論和解釋你的代碼。 – Anselm


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