long* prev; // array of pointers to preceding vertices
long* dist; // array of distances from the source to each vertex
long* visited; // visited vertices, 0 if not visited, 1 otherwise
long** vSetDistance; // distance between i and j
void dijkstraAlgorithm(
long * prev,
long * dist,
long * visited,
long ** vSetDistance)
int i, j, min;
// Initialization: set every distance to INFINITY until we discover a path
for (i = 1; i <= numVertices; i++)
prev[i] = -1;
visited[i] = 0;
dist[i] = INFINITY;
// The distance from the source to the source is defined to be zero
dist[sourceVertex] = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= numVertices; j++)
min = -1;
#pragma omp parallel default(none) private(i, j) \
shared(min, visited, dist, prev, vSetDistance, numVertices)
/* This loop corresponds to sending out the explorers walking the paths,
* where the step of picking "the vertex, v, with the shortest path to s"
* corresponds to an explorer arriving at an unexplored vertex */
#pragma omp for
for (i = 1; i <= numVertices; i++)
#pragma omp critical
if (!visited[i] && ((min == -1) || (dist[i] <= dist[min])))
min = i;
visited[min] = 1; // visited = true
// relaxation
#pragma omp for
for (i = 1; i <= numVertices; i++)
if (vSetDistance[min][i])
if ((dist[min] + vSetDistance[min][i]) < dist[i])
dist[i] = dist[min] + vSetDistance[min][i];
prev[i] = min;
請在詢問之前搜索網站。正如你所說你是新手,所以請事先通知你自己。一般來說,OpenMP和並行化有很多資源。可能的[OpenMP緩慢代碼如何可以並行化?]可能的重複(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15318331/slower-code-with-openmp-how-it-can-be-parallelized) –