2012-03-17 42 views



Rectangle { 
    id: main 
    Toolbar { 
     id: myTolbar 
     Button{ id: backButton } 
    ListModel { 
     id: myDelegate 
     ListElement { option: "OptionA" } 
     /// .... etc. 

    ListView { 
     id: myList 
     model: dataModel 
     delegate: myDelegate 
    Component { 
     id: myDelegate 
     Text{ text: option } 
     states: State{ 
      name: 'details' 
      PropertyChanges { } //some property magic 

     MouseArea { 
      onClick: state='details' 
      //!!!! here I need some help - how to "tell" backButton 
      //to change state of currently shown item back to default state ('') 




// import QtQuick 1.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5 
import QtQuick 1.1 
import com.nokia.symbian 1.1 // For ToolBar and ToolButton; Replace with whatever you want 

Rectangle { 
    id: main 
    property int curSelectedIndex: -1 

    ToolBar { 
     id: myTolbar 
     anchors.top: parent.top 
     ToolButton { 
      id: backButton 
      text: "Back" 
      onClicked: { 
       if (main.curSelectedIndex != -1) { 
        dataModel.setProperty(main.curSelectedIndex, "selected", false) 
        main.curSelectedIndex = -1 
    ListModel { 
     id: dataModel 
     ListElement { option: "OptionA"; selected: false } 
     ListElement { option: "OptionB"; selected: false } 
     ListElement { option: "OptionC"; selected: false } 
     /// .... etc. 

    ListView { 
     id: myList 
     anchors {top: myTolbar.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom; right: parent.right; left: parent.left } 
     model: dataModel 
     delegate: myDelegate 
    Component { 
     id: myDelegate 
     Item { 
      height: txOption.height 
      width: myList.width 
      Text { 
       id: txOption 
       font.pointSize: 15 
       text: option 
      states: [ 
       State { 
        name: 'details'; when: model.selected 
        PropertyChanges {target: txOption; color: "red" } //some property magic 

      MouseArea { 
       anchors.fill: parent 
       onClicked: { 
        console.debug(index + " selected") 
        if (main.curSelectedIndex != -1) 
         dataModel.setProperty(main.curSelectedIndex, "selected", false) 
        main.curSelectedIndex = index 
        dataModel.setProperty(index, "selected", true) 

謝謝!我喜歡你的方法。我正在考慮某種形式的內部連接,但使用QML似乎有必要圍繞一些不同的方法來打包自己的想法。 – yatsa 2012-03-18 09:57:36


現在我正在考慮QML中是否可以將組件作爲信號處理程序從另一個組件中動態附加 - 正如我首先嚐試的那樣。如果不是,那麼我也可能會嘗試將您的示例移動到下一個級別:具有多個子視圖的多個視圖(ListView,網格,自定義屏幕等)以及帶有後退/前進按鈕的工具欄在它們之間瀏覽。一些視圖堆棧浮現在腦海中,但我必須弄清楚這一點。無論如何,我沒有理由吹噓和不接受你的答案,因爲它完全符合我的要求:)謝謝先生再次! – yatsa 2012-03-18 10:09:40


問題是AFAIK,沒有辦法從外部操縱委託組件 – Koying 2012-03-18 12:47:52
