struct hdr header;
send(sd, &hdr, sizeof(header), 0);
* Send a header over a socket.
* The header is sent as a stream of packed bytes with
* integers in "network" byte order. For example, a
* header value of:
* Id: 0x11223344
* PktType: 0xff
* SeqNo: 0x55667788
* PktLength: 0x99aabbcc
* is sent as the following byte stream:
* 11 22 33 44 ff 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc
send_header(int sd, struct hdr const* header)
uint32_t num = htonl((uint32_t)header->Id);
send(sd, &num, sizeof(num), 0);
send(sd, &header->PktType, sizeof(header->PktType), 0);
num = htonl((uint32_t)header->SeqNo);
send(sd, &num, sizeof(num), 0);
num = htonl((uint32_t)header->PktLength);
send(sd, &num, sizeof(num), 0);
buf = s.recv(13) # packed data is 13 bytes long
id_, pkt_type, seq_no, pkt_length = struct.unpack('>IBII', buf)
class PacketReader(object):
def __init__(self, sd):
self._socket = sd
def read_packet(self):
id_, pkt_type, seq_no, pkt_length = self._read_header()
data_bufs = [self._read_data_buf() for _ in range(0, 100)]
message, info = self._read_trl()
return {'id': id_, 'pkt_type': pkt_type, 'seq_no': seq_no,
'data_bufs': data_bufs, 'message': message,
'info': info}
def _read_header(self):
Read and unpack a ``hdr`` structure.
:returns: a :class:`tuple` of the header data values
in order - *Id*, *PktType*, *SeqNo*, and *PktLength*
The header is assumed to be packed as 13 bytes with
integers in network byte order.
buf = self._socket.read(13)
# > Multibyte values in network order
# I Id as 32-bit unsigned integer value
# B PktType as 8-bit unsigned integer value
# I SeqNo as 32-bit unsigned integer value
# I PktLength as 32-bit unsigned integer value
return struct.unpack('>IBII', buf)
def _read_data_buf(self):
Read and unpack a single ``data`` structure.
:returns: a :class:`tuple` of data values in order -
*value*, *result*, *count*, and *value*
The data structure is assumed to be packed as 28 bytes
with integers in network byte order and doubles encoded
as IEEE 754 binary64 in network byte order.
buf = self._socket.read(28) # assumes double is binary64
# > Multibyte values in network order
# 10s value bytes
# d result encoded as IEEE 754 binary64 value
# q count encoded as a 64-bit signed integer
# H valueid as a 16-bit unsigned integer value
return struct.unpack('>10sdqH', buf)
def _read_trl(self):
Read and unpack a ``trl`` structure.
:returns: a :class:`tuple` of trl values in order -
*Message* as byte string, *info*
The structure is assumed to be packed as 24 bytes with
integers in network byte order.
buf = self.socket.read(24)
# > Multibyte values in network order
# 16s message bytes
# q info encoded as a 64-bit signed value
return struct.unpack('>16sq', buf)
您是否通過套接字接收到一串字節? – eguaio
@egaio yes.I正在接收字節串。 – Soumajit