REM There is a bug in VS where the xml documentation is written to a tmp file
REM during incremental builds, preventing access during post-build events.
REM See http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/470485/strange-file-not-found-error-xml-documentation-file-renamed-during-incremental-build
REM As a work around for following script tries to catch this situation and copys/remanes
REM this tmp-file instead.
REM CopyXmlDocumentation "X:\path\to\source.xml" "Y:\target\dir"
if exist "%~1%" (
REM if the file exists, copy it as-is
copy /Y "%~1" "%~2"
) else (
REM else we try to copy the .tmp file and rename it to the desired target name
REM we assume that the tmp file is named "vsXXXX.tmp" where XXXX is an arbitrary string
copy /Y "%~d1\%~p1\vs*.tmp" "%~2\%~n1%~x1"
謝謝你的回答。 不幸的是,由於「未解決的獎勵」問題,我無法將其標記爲已接受(http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1413)。 – VladV 2009-08-16 11:55:04