2015-06-27 53 views




$scope.object = { 
    name: 'Demo', 
    value: new Date(1433109600000) 

Updated demo


app.directive('bindTimestamp', function() { 
    return { 
    restrict: 'A', 
    require: 'ngModel', 
    link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { 
     ngModel.$formatters.push(function (value) { 
     return new Date(value); 

Directive demo


這是一個明確的觀點,但正如所述:該對象來自web服務,所以我不能修改該值... – Second2None


爲什麼你不能?例如:'return $ http.get('...')。then(function(result){result.value = new Date(result.value); return result});' - 這會被修改承諾 – karaxuna


另一個方式是爲此編寫指令。我也會寫,等一下)) – karaxuna


完成@ karaxuna的回答,感謝他,以下是完整的指令及其測試:

directivesApp.directive('bindTimestamp', function() { 
    return { 
     restrict: 'A', 
     require: 'ngModel', 
     link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { 

      var minDate = attrs.min ? new Date(attrs.min) : null; 
      var maxDate = attrs.max ? new Date(attrs.max) : null; 

      ngModel.$formatters.push(function (value) { 
       var dt = value; 
       if (!angular.isDate(dt) && angular.isNumber(dt)) { 
        // It's a timestamp --> needs to be converted to a <Date> 
        dt = new Date(value); 
       // truncate 'dt' to second if milliseconds are not to be displayed in input[datetime-local] 
       // dt.setMilliSeconds(0); 
       // truncate 'dt' to minute if seconds are not to be displayed in input[datetime-local] 
       // dt.setSeconds(0); 
       return dt; 

      // Default validators need to be overriden, otherwise they will always trigger "false" as they expect a <Date> object and not a number. 
      var MinMaxValidator = function (modelValue) { 
       var selectedDate = angular.timestampToDate(modelValue, scope.truncateSeconds); 
       this.validate = function (validateThreshold) { 
        if (angular.isDate(selectedDate)) { 
         return validateThreshold(selectedDate); 
        return true; 

      if (ngModel.$validators.min && minDate !== null) { 
       ngModel.$validators.min = function (modelValue) { 
        return new MinMaxValidator(modelValue).validate(function (selectedDate) { 
         return minDate <= selectedDate; 

      if (ngModel.$validators.max && maxDate !== null) { 
       ngModel.$validators.max = function (modelValue) { 
        return new MinMaxValidator(modelValue).validate(function (selectedDate) { 
         return maxDate >= selectedDate; 

茉莉測試: 描述( 'bindTimestamp:時間戳',函數(){

// 2016-02-19 09:56:51.396ms 
    var dt = 1455872211396; 

    function buildInputDateElement(inputType) { 
     var element = angular.element('<input type="' + inputType + '" ng-model="myDate" bind-timestamp>'); 
     return element; 

    it('bindTimestamp : input[date]', function() { 

     var formatedDate = '2016-02-19'; 

     /** A timestamp */ 
     $scope.myDate = dt; 
     var element = buildInputDateElement("date"); 

     //** Already a <Date> */ 
     $scope.myDate = new Date(dt); 
     element = buildInputDateElement("date"); 

    it('bindTimestamp : input[datetime-local]', function() { 

     var formatedDate = '2016-02-19T09:56:51.396'; 

     /** A timestamp */ 
     $scope.myDate = dt; 
     var element = buildInputDateElement("datetime-local"); 


     /** Already a <Date> */ 
     $scope.myDate = new Date(dt); 
     element = buildInputDateElement("datetime-local"); 