在系列化,司機將注入包含PHP類名__pclass財產 到數據
關於規格本身。 http://bsonspec.org/spec.html
element ::= "\x01" e_name double 64-bit binary floating point
| "\x02" e_name string UTF-8 string
| "\x03" e_name document Embedded document
| "\x04" e_name document Array
| "\x05" e_name binary Binary data
| "\x06" e_name Undefined (value) — Deprecated
| "\x07" e_name (byte*12) ObjectId
| "\x08" e_name "\x00" Boolean "false"
| "\x08" e_name "\x01" Boolean "true"
| "\x09" e_name int64 UTC datetime
| "\x0A" e_name Null value
| "\x0B" e_name cstring cstring Regular expression - The first cstring is the regex pattern, the second is the regex options string. Options are identified by characters, which must be stored in alphabetical order. Valid options are 'i' for case insensitive matching, 'm' for multiline matching, 'x' for verbose mode, 'l' to make \w, \W, etc. locale dependent, 's' for dotall mode ('.' matches everything), and 'u' to make \w, \W, etc. match unicode.
| "\x0C" e_name string (byte*12) DBPointer — Deprecated
| "\x0D" e_name string JavaScript code
| "\x0E" e_name string Symbol. Deprecated
| "\x0F" e_name code_w_s JavaScript code w/ scope
| "\x10" e_name int32 32-bit integer
| "\x11" e_name uint64 Timestamp
| "\x12" e_name int64 64-bit integer
| "\x13" e_name decimal128 128-bit decimal floating point
| "\xFF" e_name Min key
| "\x7F" e_name Max key
binary ::= int32 **subtype** (byte*) Binary - The int32 is the number of bytes in the (byte*).
subtype ::= "\x00" Generic binary subtype
| "\x01" Function
| "\x02" Binary (Old)
| "\x03" UUID (Old)
| "\x04" UUID
| "\x05" MD5
| **"\x80" User defined**