是否有可能在另一個renderscript B中設置Android renderscript A中的一個字段?我知道你可以調用另一個腳本的內核,使用rsForEach()
,但如何設置全局變量或綁定分配?從另一個腳本中設置一個renderscript global
// just two example allocations
rs_allocation gImg1;
rs_allocation gImg2;
/** merge the two images element wise - just an example */
float2 __attribute__((kernel)) root(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
float2 merged = 0;
merged.x = rsGetElementAt_float(gImg1, x, y);
merged.y = rsGetElementAt_float(gImg2, x, y);
return merged;
// my globals (which will be set from java)
rs_allocation gI0;
rs_allocation gI1;
rs_allocation gMerged;
rs_script mSlave;
* This function is called from Java and should delegate some of its work
* to the kernel function of the slave - script
void myFunction(){
// do some stuff
// now bind the allocations to the slave sript
rsBind(mSlave, "gImg1", gI0); // ??? does there exists something like that?
rsBind(mSlave, "gImg2", gI1); // ???
// and invoke the kernel
rsForEach(mSlave, 0 , gMerged);
也在另一個問題評論提供了有關多個腳本時的一些信息: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18926003/4118132
同樣在的renderScript功能的概述這裏提供: https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/project/android/docs/guide/topics/renderscript/reference.html
我知道的是,在開始Android 4.4,renderscript-engine可以直接在ndk中使用。
這就是我害怕的:)但謝謝你把它寫成白色! – Alex 2014-10-08 05:58:10